This policy is a “living” document, and subject to change in the future. Please get in touch (see ‘Alerting us’ below) if you’d like to suggest any changes.
These legal terms (English law applies) are between you and Monzo Bank Limited (Monzo/us/we) and you agree to them by using the Monzo Community Forum.
Who are we?
We are Monzo Bank Limited (“we”, “our”, “us”) and operate under the name of Monzo.
We’re committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. If you have any questions about your personal information please chat with us through the Monzo app, or by emailing us at, or by writing to us at 38 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1PX.
We’re registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office under number ZA108184.
Your permission to use the forum is subject to the following conditions:
- You must be at least eighteen years old.
- You may no longer use the forum if the company contacts you directly to say that you may not.
- You must use the forum in accordance with our Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct
By using the forum you agree to follow our Community Code of Conduct. We might update these occasionally, but they’ll always be available on the forum. We may suspend or remove your account if you don’t follow these guidelines.
Because transparency is so important to Monzo, we like to keep the integrity of the forum by not deleting posts unless they violate our Code of Conduct (though we may hide posts that break our Code of Conduct). So, by posting any content on the forum you agree to us using this for as long as we need.
Because we can’t delete posts, please don’t post anything that could personally identify you publicly. We may edit posts which contain personally identifiable details. If you’re ever concerned about your privacy please contact us!
You’re fully responsible for any of your content. You need to make sure you have permission to post any information (where needed), and won’t harm anyone by making it public.
Code of Conduct
The Monzo Community Forum is a place where Monzo users should feel welcome and included to share their opinions. And while we accept (and encourage) all manner of differing opinions, we also want to ensure people always feel safe
The purpose of this document is to outline our community values - what we do, and don’t, stand for - and the measures we take to protect them.
We want everyone to feel included in our community. In particular, nobody should ever feel excluded on the basis of their:
- Gender, gender identity, or gender expression
- Sexual orientation
- Disability or medical condition
- Physical appearance (including but not limited to body size)
- Race
- Age
- Religion
A note on politics: Political discussions are not banned, but we don’t tolerate using our forum as a personal soapbox to air political opinions. As always, our moderators have the final say on this.
Our Shared Values 
You agree that:
- We are collectively and individually committed to safety and inclusivity.
- We have zero tolerance for abuse, harassment, or discrimination.
- We respect people’s boundaries and identities.
- We refrain from using language that can be considered oppressive (systemically or otherwise), eg. sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, classist, etc. - this includes (but is not limited to) various slurs.
- We avoid using offensive topics as a form of humour.
- We do not suggest or speculate on ways of breaking the law, or the security measures of Monzo and other banks.
We actively work towards:
- Being a safe community.
- Cultivating a network of support and encouragement for each other.
- Encouraging responsible and varied forms of expression.
We condemn:
- Stalking or publishing private information (‘doxxing)
- Threats of harm or harassment.
- Anything that compromises people’s safety.
Forum Etiquette 
We avoid:
- Name-calling.
- Ad hominem attacks (criticising a poster personally, not their post).
- Responding to a post’s tone instead of its actual content.
- Replying in a confrontational manner when we see a post we think needs attention (use the flag feature to report it instead).
- Deliberately derailing threads, or other forms of trolling.
- Posting low-value content that doesn’t add to the discussion.
- Repeatedly making the same arguments, instead of moving on. We’ll lock threads that end up going in circles.
- Creating multiple accounts (aka ‘sockpuppets’).
We’re polite and respectful:
- Don’t post anything that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or hate speech.
- Don’t post anything obscene or sexually explicit.
- Don’t harass or grief anyone, impersonate people, or expose their private information.
- Don’t post spam or otherwise vandalize the forum.
It’s best to avoid even the appearance of any of these things. If you’re unsure, ask yourself how you would feel if your post was shown to your boss, family, or friends. When in doubt, avoid it.
When we’re called out, we:
- Listen without interruption.
- Believe what the person is saying & do not attempt to disqualify what they have to say.
- Ask for tips and help toward avoiding reoffending in the future.
- Apologise and ask forgiveness.
If the above is ever unclear, final decisions are at the discretion of the moderation team (Community Leaders and staff, with staff having the ultimate say). They will use their best judgement to determine what is in the best interest of maintaining an inclusive community. Just because something is not explicitly prohibited in this document, that doesn’t make it automatically ok.
So please respect what they decide, and avoid nit-picking the rules if you disagree.
Consequences for breaking the rules 
We take a strong stance on enforcing our community guidelines. In severe cases, such as posting content that we have zero tolerance on, we will immediately ban and remove the user from our community.
For other violations, we’ll follow these steps -
First offence: we’ll send you a warning. We’ll be in touch to let you know what you did, and we’ll point out which part of the Code of Conduct you’re breaking.
Second offence: we’ll take an action. This can be a short-term suspension (for repeated misbehaviour), a long-term suspension (for repeated misbehaviour on a large scale, or a significant incident), or outright removal from the Community forum (for extremely serious situations).
For future offences, if - following a suspension - you return and are still disruptive, we’ll fully remove you from the community.
Alerting us 
If you see a community post which breaches these guidelines, please flag it to make one of the team aware. Here’s how -
- Click the three dots (…) on the post.
- Tap the flag.
- Select a reason, and click Flag Post.
Posts that are flagged by several members of the community are automatically hidden until the author or a member of the team has reviewed it.
If you experience abuse, harassment, discrimination, or feel unsafe, let a moderator know as soon as possible.
Anything you share with moderators will be held in confidence. So please don’t hesitate in coming forward.