Note : All Monzo Q&As to date can be found here
Hello to all wonderful members of the Monzo Community Forum! Whether you are human, animal, alien, or any other type of life-form, you are all welcome to the party
This time it’s an actual party, because it’s our third birthday!
Hopefully you’re just as excited as we are!
But first, there is work to be done! If you haven’t read through all our previous Staff Q&A’s, we’ve compiled them here in a handy, helpful list!
Week 1 : Chris MacLean, Customer Operations & Vulnerable Customers
Week 2 : James Nicholson, iOS Engineer
Week 3 : Tara Mansfield, People Operations Manager
Week 4 : James Routley, Backend Engineer
Week 5 : Hugh Wells, Customer Operations ♂
Week 6 : Naz Malik, Technical Specialist
Week 7 : Fred Morgan, COps Squad Captain (Calls & Social Media)
Week 8 : Emma Northcott (COps Scaling Team)
Without further ado, let’s welcome our special guest this week, ready to answer all your questions… It’s Jarno Wolf, our COps Financial Crime Specialist Squad Captain! That is a very long job title, so, feel free to say COps FinCrimeSpec SC if you want to
So, what do we know about Jarno?
Let’s learn!
He joined Monzo in January 2017 as a member of our COps team, quickly showing a keen eye for financial crime related queries, and has now graduated to being a Squad Captain of our COps Financial Crime Specialists! What does this team do? Well, I could tell you, but why would I when Jarno will be here to answer that very question himself! But so you all know what kind of questions you can ask to dig deeper, roughly speaking it is the team that is the interface between COps and Financial Crime! That may have been obvious. Sorry. I thought it was worth mentioning
Jarno tells me that his day to day work can be summarised as “Fighting Crime and Delighting Customers, also helping other people Fight Crime and Delight Customers!”
The most interesting fact about Jarno? He was once part of an international advert for hair pomade, which we, his beloved colleagues, don’t let him forget. I can confirm that this is true
His favourite thing about working at Monzo? “Working with such an inspiring passionate group of people.”
So let’s get some questions in and Jarno will be here on Thursday to answer them!