Monzo Staff Weekly Q&A - Ella Johanny (COps / Hiring)

Note : All Monzo Q&As to date can be found here :grinning:

Hello everyone! It is I, SimonB. You might have missed me on The Bulletin this week. However, hosting duties were expertly handled by Captain @Jim1701 who you should remember from a previous Q&A! I was missing because I am currently on a top secret Monzo mission. Where? It’s a secret? Why? It’s a secret. However… all will be revealed soon. :sunny:

Never fear, because Community Q&A is here!

First of all - thanks to all of you who showed up in force for last week’s Q&A with our amazing CEO, Tom Blomfield. While I’m at it, thanks to everyone who has showed up for all previous Q&A’s.

The list is a little too long to keep putting in every post :wink:


The important question - who is joining us this week in the Hot Coral Hot Seat™? Answer’s in the thread title, peeps :wink:

It’s Ella Johanny from COps and Hiring!!!


So Ella is one of our long-serving COps folks, and one of the most friendly faces you’ll see in our London office! She’s always a breath of fresh air, always willing to help and just an all-around amazing person.

She’s recently moved into helping our hiring team, because she has a real knack for spotting amazing people who would fit in perfectly to the Monzo team.

Fun Fact about Ella : She has a baking degree, and she also studied martial arts for a while!

Her fave thing about working for Monzo:

Monzo has taught me to always challenge my assumptions. Also, THE PEOPLE!

So… get your questions in and Ella will be here later this week to answer them! :grinning:


Standard agenda item number 1:

Do you like cats?


This should be a mandatory question per Monzo’s policies, and refusing to answer is a fireable offence. :joy:


Hey Ella! As a Monzonaught (sic?) do you get access to new Monzo features early? If you do, what’s your favourite thing that’s coming soon that we haven’t had chance to play with yet?

I’m growing concerned that when @simonb’s secret mission is outed as Monzo Lab(radors) the cat folk on here are going to mount a revolution! :cat: < :dog: :monzo:

Speaking of which, Ella, do you know what the secret mission is? Any clues?!

Don’t worry, he won’t be looking here, you can post in confidence, I’m sure :wink:

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Standard agenda item number 2:

Pineapple on pizza, Yes/No


There was recently a very enthusiastic thread about diversity in which the criteria of employing people based on not only qualifications and experience, but also best fit was discussed.
How would you define best fit in terms of Monzo? Is this determined by the interview and, if yes, how much does interview nerves (or sheer terror) make this hard to determine?


Samsung or Garmin offices perhaps :wink:


Can everyone see the last character - presumably another emoji after the :sunny: sunny one? I get the square of doom, which makes me sad.

(Using a Mac desktop with Safari).


Same on iOS.

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Ella, if you were to invest in foreign currency and had to choose between Chinese Yuan or Russian Rubles which would you chose?

There wasn’t supposed to be another emoji. Just the sun :grinning:


I’ve wondered this for a while.
Do COps people talk to multiple customers at the same time when using chat?


What is your favourite baked good:

  1. to bake;
  2. to eat?

COps hat on for this one please:

A lot of people expect everything instantaneously now and know power of social media to share negative opinions. How do you deal with customers with unrealistic expectations and the hostility that can accompany that without letting it get you down?


What do you personally think is the hardest baked good to make/ mess up on?

Do you watch GBBO? If so, who is your favourite contestant across all seasons, and why?

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What are the personality traits and values that Monzo is looking for in a person during the interview process?

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What’s one of the biggest challenges you face working at Monzo?

Besides Apple Pay, what is the most common query you get asked by customers through support?

What is the most interesting or amusing COps query you’ve had to deal with?

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What is your favourite film?

Please use a gif to answer.


What is your favourite gif?

Please use a gif to answer