So I’ve got an integration working that now can happen with Plus.
Basically, it is a “Pot Balance Actioner” - whereby when a named pot hits a specific balance, an action of your choosing will trigger. That can be moving money, an notification, change of colour of a Hue bulb. Whatever, as long as the action is in IFTTT.
In my case, what I’ve made is a trigger to auto-top up my “Coffee” pot, if my balance hits <£x.
(You could equally set this to send you a notification below £50, etc)
Things needed:
- Set up Monzo to Google Sheets export.
- In the Google Sheet, make a new tab, and drag it to Tab Position 1 (this is important).
- Set up the sheet like so:
Pot Name |
Balance |
Action Value |
Bill Pot |
AMEX Pot |
Coffee Pot |
(It’s important to have the word “Pot” after the name of your pot).
In the balance column, add the following formula; and this should update the balance to what you have today in said pot:
=-SUMIFS(‘Monzo Transactions’!H:H,‘Monzo Transactions’!D:D,“Pot transfer”,‘Monzo Transactions’!E:E,A2)
(This will sum the total transaction amount (col H) for any transaction that matches “Pot Transfer” type, and matches the name of the pot).
All being well, because this data goes back to the start of the account, this should be a real time balance of your Pot.
In “Action Value” column, you can add any formula that effectively marks the “change” of value. You can set it up with a text value if you wanted to receive a notification, or a £ value if you want to move money around your pots, etc. Or any number of more complex formula.
In my case, for my Coffee Pot example, I want to add £30 if my coffee pot falls below £20.
So I add the formula
i.e, if Coffee Pot balance <£30, then display £20, otherwise Blank.
Then move to IFTTT and create a new applet for Google Sheets - pick the option “Cell Updated in a Google Sheet”.
Enter “Monzo Transactions” as the file name
And the relevant cell your Action value is in as your cell reference.
For the Action, in my case I want to move money into a pot, so action = Monzo, move money, and use the “Value” ingredient from the Google Sheet trigger.
As this Monzo Transaction sheet updates instantly, once my Coffee Balance moves <£30, the monitored cell updates, and the trigger fires, moving money into my pot.
You could so so many variants of this - e.g. on the first of the month, move ALL my money but £X into my Savings Pot. etc etc.
Or you could base it on when you spend £1000 at McDonalds, play your “Party” playlist on a connected device. Or if you’ve had 217 Scissor Emojis in your transaction field, set your Hive thermostat to 28oC.
Hope someone finds some use out of this!