To expand on this point a bit. In this thread IFTTT + Google Sheets + Monzo = Then what? there’s a few of us that have built something to try and see our data a bit clearer.
There’s graphs and tables and charts etc. I consider myself fairly handy with Excel and there’s people there much better than me who are much smarter. There’s also people who are less sure how to create anything meaningful and do they even bother or just don’t touch this functionality? I’d be curious if you could say the % that have the Sheets integration turned on?
I built this -
It’s very very basic, looks pretty naff but gives me an overview of my spending for things I like to try and measure. I’ve probably set it up in a very convaluted way that doesn’t scale for everyones use etc and I realise that if Monzo set up a template, they don’t want to be support for “What does #ERROR mean?”
And then look at this!
Imagine if you turned on Sheets integration and it built something like this. Even if it was just a one off, a “Your Life in Monzo” but to be able to see you spend £90 on groceries every week on average but it’s more if you go after work on a Friday in a rush. Or that you buy work lunches more on a Thursday, or you spend more on a work lunch because you’ve started going to Pret instead of Greggs or that your fuel has gone up since whenever. Just little things to look at and make it more worthwhile that all this data is here.
People love the “Your Year in Monzo” and I’m sure they’d love it more if it was all of it, and all the time.