Summer is here, it’s warm outside (when it’s not raining) and it’s been more than six months since we did the big Monzo Community’s Christmas list. So what better time to bring together all the big ideas from the community, put them in one place and have a bit of a poll?
The ideas below are mostly taken from the most popular ones on the Feedback & Ideas section - clicking on the heading should take you to that idea for more information. I haven’t included anything that’s in the works or is coming soon
In case you’re wondering why do this in one place rather than use the voting buttons on each idea, this is just to have a snapshot in time view - and to hopefully let people find ideas that they didn’t know were out there!
And finally, the usual disclaimer - this isn’t Monzo endorsed or approved. And there’s no guarantee that they’ll be developing anything on this list, let alone at the top. But hopefully by pointing out what folk want, there might be a possibility of influencing Monzo towers!
With all that said, let’s vote! Polls close on September 13th, because why not?!
- Add a photo to payee
- Add notes on iOS / transfer details section on Android for bank transfers
- Apple Watch/Google Wear app
- Chat available from Monzo Web
- Cheque imaging
- Custom categories
- Dark mode
- Deposit cash at the Post Office
- Different colour card for joint accounts
- Display CVV (3 digit number on the back of the card) in app
- Edit pot scheduled transfers / make the same as external transfers
- Family / child / under 16 accounts
- FitBit Pay!
- Full web app
- IFTTT for joint accounts
- Improved payee management (inc set up a payee without paying them)
- iPad/tablet app
- Loyalty cards inside the Monzo app
- Merchant / Category Block (moving on from the gambling block)
- Monzo credit card!
- More granular card controls
- More IFTTT triggers (tell us what below)
- Overdraft for joint accounts
- Pay from a pot rather than the main account
- PDF statement for individual payments
- Pot Goals: set a target date
- Samsung Pay!
- Scheduled income - Monzo takes into account incoming payments for Summary
- Select a merchant / category to come from a pot rather than the main account
- Separate Committed Spending from Discretionary spending - e.g. through a Committed Pot*
- Shared Pots
- Split a transaction (e.g. into different categories)
- Stocks and Shares Pot
- Use income in as a trigger to transfer money out / to pots etc
- Something else (explain below!)
0 voters
*Bill Pots are but this seemed to be a bigger proposition, so I’ve kept it on the list.