Hello everyone!
It’s the moment everyone* has been waiting for…
The 2025 Big Poll!
We’ve done a few of these before - they’re our opportunity to set out our wish list and say what we’d like to see from Monzo in 2025 and beyond…
…and this time it’s Monzo Sanctioned!
That means that I’ve worked with @AlanDoe to put this together but sadly it still doesn’t mean that the top votes necessarily get implemented. No, not even if it’s Badger Pay
And no, I (still) don’t work for Monzo - so whilst Monzo endorsed this is still community run!
This time, three polls for your voting delight…
- On new Monzo products or features
- On improvements or polish to existing products or features
- New for 2025 - Community suggestions!
A bit about methodology: I’ve pulled ideas from the poll suggestions topic, Alan’s What Do You Want to see? thread, popular ideas topics, forum conversation and a few curve-balls of my own!
If there’s something you really want included in the next round, create a topic in Feedback & Ideas and get voting on it there!
Poll 1: New Monzo Products or Features
What would you like to see? Select everything that takes your fancy…
- Joint account overdrafts
- Monzo Junior ISA (JISA)
- Monzo Lifetime cash ISA (LISA)
- Monzo Lifetime stocks and shares ISA (LISA)
- Monzo Mortgages
- Monzo Pensions
- Monzo Premier account for those that meet certain criteria
- Monzo-branded ATMs (for withdrawals and deposits)
- Properly release the ATMmm
- Overdraft pot (you can go overdrawn at 0% for the amount of money in your overdraft pot)
- Partner with building societies/other providers for deep integration with mortgages (see balance/transactions, overpay, offset current accounts/pots, etc.)
- Physical banking! (Banking hubs, branches, or other face-to-face services)
- Regular saver accounts
- A black and hot coral card (inspiration here)
- A black card (inspiration here and here and here)
- Buy additional cards (à la Revolut)
- Monzo credit card on American Express
- Monzo credit card on Visa
- Pay from pots with physical cards
- Reintroduce metal cards
- Reintroduce neon-coloured cards
- A ‘net worth’ view in Monzo, including investments, property, savings, etc.
- Expenses pots (assigning merchants and categories to come out of a certain pot like they can in the US)
- See investments held elsewhere in Monzo
- See pensions held elsewhere in Monzo
- Wealth management features
- Higher paid tier (à la Revolut Ultra)
- Integrate with energy provider APIs for analytics on energy spend/usage
- Online/web banking Passkeys for login/approvals
- Tablet (iPad/Android) app
- Watch (Apple/Google) app
- Widgets on iOS and Android
- Badger Pay
Poll 2: Improvements on existing features
Again vote for everything you fancy!
- Automatically start a new period in Trends when Monzo sees you’ve been paid
- Different default accounts for the different tabs on Trends (Balance vs Spending)
- Financial years in Trends
- Four-week pay/budgeting periods in Trends
- Weekly pay/budgeting periods in Trends
- Running balance graph, always showing future days, factoring expected income and bills
- Subcategories with the ability to view master and subcategory levels in Trends
- Targets based on the amount left in your current account after bills instead of a budget
- Automatically trigger salary sorter
- Automatic Get Paid Early
- Fee-free buffer on overdrafts
- Get Paid Early calendar in the app
- Pay bills/add virtual cards from/to a savings pot
- Pay Flex account from non-Monzo accounts
- Pay in 3 as a default on Flex
- Rules-based payments (e.g., if paid, transfer to savings; if <£0, move from savings)
- Schedule deposits and withdrawals from connected accounts
- Schedule deposits and withdrawals from pots
- Standing orders/scheduled withdrawals from savings pots
- Transfer money directly into pots from outside Monzo (#PotName as the reference or account number)
- Credit card pots (spend on a credit card, and Monzo sets aside the amount in a pot)
- Buy individual shares in the investment platform
- Create your own investment strategy (customize shares/ETFs)
- Instant access to third-party savings pots
- Make all pots savings pots
- More funds/options for Monzo Investments
- More partnerships (e.g., with Vitality for health goals)
- More savings challenges beyond the 1p challenge
- Multiple savings pots
- Pay interest on the entire account and all pots (including kids)
- Wider range of savings pot partners
- Better credit checking on Flex
- Full joint account parity
- Go numberless on the cards
- Increased Flex credit limits
- Increased overdraft limits
- Joint Flex accounts
- Limited connected accounts as standard (not behind a paywall)
- Longer-term 0% Flex periods (possibly for paid plans)
- Mix ‘n’ match/pick your own features for Monzo Max
- More card colour options
- More targeted/inclusive paid plans (e.g., no railcards for those ineligible)
- Multiple parents for kids’ accounts
- Use the Monzo logo on cards instead of the wordmark
- Virtual cards as standard (not behind a paywall)
- Single-use virtual cards
- 24/7 support
- Better/faster support response times
- First-time support resolution
- On-shore/in-house support
- One-tap support access
- Single contact support (no repeating issues)
- Telephone support (high quality, Monzo Alpha-level)
- Ability to run on multiple devices of the same OS
- A cleaner, simpler version of the app (degraded performance UI?)
- Add photos to payees (and show them in the feed)
- Allow a nickname for a payee account
- Allow mortgage amounts to be entered manually
- Better loading/splash screen without slowing the app down
- Custom wallpapers for the app
- Display running balance on the feed
- Fix the Google export (e.g., show virtual cards from pots, interest, Flex clarity)
- More customisation on cashback offers (e.g., hide offers permanently)
- Pop-up card details in a floating window for easy copying
- Provide statements without pot transfers (like business accounts)
- Properly support the API
- Replace magic email logins with optional passwords
- Search/sort cashback offers by name, category, etc.
- Separate fields for reference and notes on Android (parity with iOS)
- Automatically save bank statements to Google Drive/One Drive
- Connected accounts in Google Sheets export
- Export transactions to Microsoft as well as Google
- Fix Google export permissions to limit to a single sheet
- IFTTT support for joint accounts
- Partially settle a shared tab
- Shared pots
- Attach PDF documents to Monzo transactions
- Enter receipt data manually into Monzo
- Scan/OCR receipts into Monzo
- PDF statements for individual transactions
- Add additional open banking providers
- Easy two-tap way to pay connected credit cards
- Include external accounts in ‘Move Money’ lists alongside Monzo accounts
- “Manual” connected accounts for savings and investments where open banking isn’t available
- “Move Money” feature on connected accounts to send and pull funds
- sort recurring payments by date (for both scheduled and subscriptions)
- add notes to each recurring payment to remind what it is
- Universal search, including Flex and connected accounts
Poll 3: Monzo Community
In multiple parts… If you’re a lurker, please do consider making an account and voting!
How often do you read the Monzo Community Forum?
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Infrequently / when there’s something to talk about
How often do you post?
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Infrequently / when there’s something to talk about
If you post, why do you do so?
- To chat with friends
- To give Monzo feedback
- General financial chat
- To research Monzo
- To ask specific questions about Monzo
- To ask specific questions about personal finance in general
- For customer support
- For Monzo news
- To read general / non-Monzo chat
- To read about others’ views on Monzo
- To read about others’ views on finance
- Something else
Lurkers / infrequent posters only please! Why don’t you post?
- I don’t usually post online
- No topics I want to contribute to
- I’m only here to post infrequent feedback
- I only came to ask a specific question
- I don’t find the Monzo community welcoming / I worry about the response I’d get
- I don’t think that people that look or sound like me are welcome around here
- I’m too young / otherwise not allowed
- Another reason
What would you like to see in community in 2025?
- Community exclusive cards
- Community Traitors (Monzo puts us up in the Highlands and hires Claudia)
- Exclusive competitions for new users
- In-person meet-ups
- Invite community members to Monzo Pride
- Monzonaut AMAs
- More Monzonaut engagement
- Online community gaming
- Sneak peeks on upcoming features
- Community votes on an idea that Monzo promises to implement
- Insider blog on building Ireland/Europe expansion
- Private forum section (with NDA?) for new feature testing/preview
- Product feedback via the app
- Merch store!
- More popcorn!
- Sell Hot chip plushies
- Free Max plan for Coral Crew members!
Surprise bonus poll! How many super injunctions is @davidwalton going to get this year?
For new readers, David tears down the Monzo app and sometimes finds “interesting” new graphics or hints at new features. As a courtesy to Monzo, he redacts these ahead of big launches… We I jokingly call these super injunctions…
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5+
Ready, Steady, Poll!
*Just me, then?