If there were to be a 2025 Big Poll, what features would we poll? Ponder away!

Happy New Year!

I’ve been lobbied for a Big Poll :tm: ! Regulars may remember we used to do these once or twice a year where we’d have a megapoll to see what features were the most popular. And then watch as Fitbit and Garmin Pay battle it out for the bottom of the table, and as Monzo nodded sagely noting the outcome and then building, well, on the basis of last year, Garmin Pay!

But I digress! No guarantees of a poll, but if we were to do such a thing, what would folk want to vote on? If the new year allows, I might be persuaded to put it together as a poll in a month or so’s time (or maybe @N26throwaway will do it instead if he manages to track me down).

Anyway… Throw up any ideas here - links to existing topics gratefully received. Let’s try to not use this to rate ideas (we can spin those out onto other topics) - and the weirder/whackier/inventive/innovative the better! And some of these might not be economically viable for Monzo (or might not seem to be) - but let’s have that discussion elsewhere (perhaps some of them could be good paywall features?)

A few starters from me:

  • Rules-based payments - so if I receive my salary, it automatically sticks a certain amount in my savings pot and transfers another amount to a different account.
  • Credit card pots - so if I spend on Flex or a linked credit card, it puts the amount in a pot
  • Make all pots savings pots!
  • One tap immediate human support (obvs)

Thinking caps on - what else?


Yes to all of these!

The one to add on right now for me would be expenses pots (assigning merchants and categories to pots like they can in the US), whilst they’re fresh on my mind from this thread:

I’d still love a running balance graph too (that’s always looking ahead to the next 30 days) that perhaps would earmark expected income too.

I’ll no doubt be back with more when I’ve had more time to ponder!


Dare I sound like a broken record, but…

  • Joint account parity - of course…
  • Improve Google Sheets exporting

I’m sure I’ll have more with a ponder.


This is somewhat unnecessary. Monzo just needs to set clear boundaries around support, and have clear options.

I think they need four options to choose from. Firstly they would have the 24/7 AI Chatbot. Then, a 7am-10pm regular chat (with estimated response times), a 24/7 emergency live chat, and 24/7 emergency phone support for lost cards, and other urgent emergencies. That would fix the majority of Monzo’s issues to do with support.

Mainly because, Monzo support isn’t bad. However if they make it easily accessible again, you’ll get people who CBA to look through support articles, and waste support time, making it a bad experience for those who urgently need support. I know I’ve already taken this off-track (sorry bout that), but this needs to be said.

p.s. Would be nice if Monzo fully brought support back to the UK, especially now that they’re profitable :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Majority of Fitbit devices have now switched over to GWallet, which supports Monzo no problem.

I will also report back here as and when I think of something else.


I guess this makes ponder the first official community word of the day for 2025! :partying_face:


Channeling my inner product manager, what does that look like in practice?

For me, Google Sheets exports could mean a tab per account / pot…

I’d also like it to work the other direction and have a connected accounts experience for backdata stored in A Google Sheet.

Actually, while I’m at it, syncing with Microsoft would be a quick win, given (I think) it already works for Monzo Business.


I was going to say the obvious - Joint account parity/improvements - but I know that_______ :gun: [silenced]


Have I gotta go and boot up my old tear down virtual machine again now? :eyes:


Not yet. There’s nothing new in-app so far, even today’s.


Maybe a better poll is to predict how many superinjunctions @AlanDoe is gonna slap on @davidwalton this year?!


Pots are within and each account has its own export. So that’s fine.

But virtual cards from a pot don’t show, interest doesn’t show, Flex is done badly. Plus other things.


Personally , I would like to be able to pay my connected credit cards directly without having to go to the payment screens select myself and the choose the relevant credit cards holding account…

Also I’d like to be able to go to a connected account. and send money directly. Like the “Add money” option, but in reverse…


So, @Peter_G I’ve had a think and I’ve got a few more. I was also a bit harsh towards u with my last idea :grimacing:, so I’ll be nicer this time.

I’d love to see password login for a Monzo account. I’m not in any way suggesting that this replace Magic Email, but simply as a backup method should one be in a situation where they are unable to access their email. This would be useful I think. I know that Monzo wants simplicity for their users, but this would only add one more thing to remember, and it could be an optional thing. Idk.

Id also like to see a website for Monzo Online Banking. I think what Starling does for their online banking is quite nice, and Monzo I reckon could make a login flow similar to that. It would be nice if this could sit alongside Monzo web for emergencies perhaps?

This is just two more ideas, I’ll probably have some more in the next few days :+1:

Happy new year :fireworks:


Vote here (click on the blue ‘Vote’ button at the top-left) for the :monzo:-web feature request:

No guarantees a vote will change anything other than increase the focus on a feature which the community is voting for.

And as you’re fairly new, this link (not a RickRoll - honest) could be of value:

It’s a link of all the features requested and voted for by the community over the years (the features with a :white_check_mark: in the title are features which have already launched)
Click on the ‘Votes’ tab at the top to see the list in number-of-votes order.


Great minds think a like :laughing:

My addition to this would be to think about the forum as well. What people want to see introduced on here. Exclusives, specific Community merch :eyes: and more.


New Monzo Community exclusive debit cards when? :eyes:


Would be good to have the Community as more of a test bed for stuff like that.

I’ve railed against such things in the past but maybe sign privacy agreements for new features / physical stuff like cards then a private forum area to discuss in?

(This would bring me back to #FullMonzo dammit)


Could tempt me :eyes:


I would also make Monzo my main account again, or at least use it more if I was able to test things.

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A move away from London centric research and insights. I was invited to participate in a Monzo feature research but would have only been considered for the next stage if I travelled from the Midlands to Monzo HQ in London. Would have happily volunteered my time over Teams/Zoom etc. I am of the opinion that Monzo may continue developing the product in a capital centric way if this is not considered carefully in the future.