Summary - Feedback thread

Let us know what you think of Summary!

As a recap, here is what what the current version of Summary includes:

  • Income, Spending, Committed Spending, and Pots summaries
  • Your monthly starting balance listed under Income (we heard this location doesn’t quite make sense, we’re yet to find a better home for it though!).
  • Calculation of ‘Left to Spend’ which takes your balance and deducts upcoming bank transfers
  • A dial which shows how much your your ‘spending money’ is left, compared to how much time is left each month.
  • The ability to start your current month from a recent deposit over £200 (more flexibility coming soon!)
  • The ability to exclude large one-off payments from your Spending section, targets, and daily budget calculation.
  • Categorising inbound Monzo-to-Monzo payments will now credit the same spending category, to handle people paying you back for things.
  • Spending Targets for each category
  • Target-aware notifications and monthly reports
  • Transaction export

What’s yet to come

Whilst we feel like Summary is an improvement over the previous version of Spending, there’s still lots we can do to make it better! Thanks to the feedback we received from you, we’re currently working on the following:

  • Predicting Direct Debits and Subscriptions, as part of your Committed Spending
  • Setting an overall spending budget each month
  • Clearer design for the Pots section
  • More flexibility over when your month starts and ends.

Look out for some sneak peeks soon for more details.

Thanks again, and happy budgeting!


Hi Richard,

Is the Summary now switched on for everyone or do you still have to opt in?

According to the release notes for 2.0 on ios anyway its now available to all

A lower threshold for income would be appreciated. It would also be great to be able to swipe the ‘summary dial’ to be able to look at the previous spending period.


I am guessing this is going to be a forced thing like that pulse graph?

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Odd. It’s not automatically there for me. I still have to switch it on via Monzo Labs screen

They probably haven’t enabled it server side yet, Probably will be later on today.

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I’ve been testing the summary screen through Monzo labs but now that Monzo 2.0 it started trimming my categories text and now I have the sections INCO… and PO…



Mine also started doing this but appeared random as to when it happened

We’re rolling out Summary this afternoon, everyone should have it by the end of the day.


Yay I’ve had this forced on me woo hoo


Didn’t like it in labs and don’t like it now

Failed in labs failed now.

How it can tell me I have £0 when this is so wrong oh and a starting balance of £38, wrong…

Finally everything is cut off like the arrow shows.

I love Monzo and I put up with that crappy pulse graph but this summary thing… sorry but no, this is final straw.


How is “it looks like you could run out of money” calculated? I’ve got £500 for a week and still get the message. Do big expenditures early in the month throw how much it thinks I spend a day? Will this kind of thing smooth out over time?


Hey, large expenditure earlier in the month will affect this, as the calculation is based on what percentage of your available money you have left, compared to how much of your month is left. We updated the thresholds to be more tolerant, especially earlier on in the month, and will continue to refine the logic here.

Another thing that will help with this, is when Direct Debits and Subscriptions count towards your Committed Spending, as it will mean large bills will be automatically excluded from this calculation. We started work on this a couple of days ago.

Hope this helps!


Hey, Do you have scheduled payments that are still yet to go out this month? Does their total amount exceed your current balance? If so, this will be why your Left to Spend says £0

The cutoff issue seems like a new bug affecting large iPhone screens, we’re investigating that at the moment.


Hopefully people won’t get confused as to why DD don’t show up in committed spending but Standing Orders do. I can understand why it’s more difficult though due to the changing values of bills. Looking forward to it being implemented!

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I have DD’s that go out on the first and one SO that goes on the 28th that would exceed my balance at the moment however I also do have an overdraft so I would have thought that this would have been factored in. Also I have money in pots that I could easily move (and do) when needs be. Oh I manually transfer my rent on the 8th also.

I have an iPhone 8 so not that big compared to the plus models.

Thanks for explaining, Danny. We definitely need to better handle the availability of overdrafts, as well as the way some Pots are used more for budgeting rather than locking away savings. Both are on our list!


It feels like the 9 is going to be cropped out tomorrow (android).

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We’ve got some fixes for that already in the next Android version :slight_smile:

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Could this not have all been done before the release or during the labs test?

I think you should include all pots and include the overdraft and then give us the option to exclude the pots we don’t want to be included, would be easier.