Home Address not showing up

Hello… :wave: I’ve been summoned!

I’m the person who managed to (eventually) get my address showing on Monzo. You’re right, I never mentioned in the original thread exactly how I did it. Back when I was trying to figure this out, I asked Monzo’s support team outright who provided the addresses, and they refused to tell me, so they obviously have their reason.

I didn’t want to disclose it on Monzo’s own forum, and risk inviting the wrath of the powers–that–be — so forgive me for being slightly cryptic!

But here are some clues to help you out…

  1. Your address must be listed with Royal Mail as a prerequisite — but, this is not where Monzo’s address lookup sources the data from.
  2. Once your address is showing up with Royal Mail — in a totally unrelated matter — go and check your free credit score with the Big 3 credit rating agencies.
  3. Maybe try and register with each one in alphabetical order? (No particular reason… Honest… :thinking:)
  4. You may (or may not) find that the address lookup on the first one’s registration screen is also unable to find your home address. Funny, that.
  5. If that’s the case, phone them up and request your address is added. Wait 4-6 weeks, then try and check your credit score again. You should be able to sign up this time. Congratulations on completing this entirely irrelevant side-quest! :tada:
  6. Come back to Monzo and try and register. You never know, maybe something might have magically changed in the interim. Who knows. :man_shrugging:

(Note that I signed up for Monzo about 9 months ago. They may, possibly, have changed provider since then, but based on comments here it doesn’t look like it.)

Have fun!