What's the last bit of tech you bought?

Not necessarily ‘bought’, more ‘repurposed something that was free’:

Sometime late last year, I applied for the free Octopus Energy plushy - ‘Constantine’
I chose to go for the big one instead of the little one, as the kids really like big plushies

It arrived yesterday and was a complete surprise!

Then while looking at this adorable soft-toy, I had a light bulb moment. Literally :bulb:

‘What if I stuck a Philips Hue bulb on it’s head and linked that to my Agile Octopus tariff via IFTTT - so I could place it somewhere like on the top of the fridge and it’d show if prices were currently good or bad?’

So that’s what I did…

Green = Prices good, OK to use washing machine

Red = Prices bad, don’t even think of washing clothes

Under pressure from the kids though, to return the adorable thing into a toy rather than an indicator.

RGB all the things