Simple Questions Thread (Newbie Friendly 🙂)

Hi everyone

Stupid question i know but im abit stuck on when il be paid regarding this years Summer Bank Holiday (26th August) my payment is due Tuesday the 27th but I always get paid the day before at 4pm,I was wondering would the payment then fall on the 26th or would it fall on the Friday (23rd)? Sorry if this question has been asked 10000s of times im just abit confused,thank you.

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It’d be Friday, see the post above.

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Legend :slight_smile:


Is there a way to see a graph of activity on a savings pot? I regularly deposit a large amount into my pot then I draw small amounts throughout the month. I’d like to see this in chart form so I can make sure it is still heading upwards over time, without having to add up all the withdrawals.

Trends → Balance → Filter (top-left) to select only the specific Savings pot → Choose reporting period at top-right


USA customers can set which stores or categories should spend from which pots. Has anyone heard anything on when this functionality will come to the UK? It’s the ultimate money management feature. I don’t get why we don’t have it.

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Because the UK no longer gets any real love, just stuff that squeezes the pennies out of customers like the last drops of juice from an orange.


Hi there! I have a question regarding Monzo Flex and some maths around recurring payments. So if I bought 8 train tickets a month at £90 per ticket, I figured that would be flexing at (90*8)/3=£240 per month. However, if I purchased this every month, one month in advance, what would the payments look like? For example if I purchased end Aug, the first payment would be taken out start of October but what is the value for Oct, Nov, Dec etc…?

Hi. Welcome.

It would build and then flatline after 4 months as then you’d be adding one buy paying one off.

If you buy today and your next payment date is within 14 days, you can skip paying in Sept.


Oct - ÂŁ240 (1st payment of 1st purchase)
Nov - ÂŁ480 (2nd payment of 1st purchase & 1st payment of 2nd purchase)
Dec - ÂŁ720 (3rd payment of 1st purchase, 2nd payment of 2nd purchase, 1st payment of 3rd purchase)

Then they will always be £720 as you’ll be adding £240 each month for the latest purchase but losing one from the other end that you paid off.

Jan - £720 (3rd payment of 2nd purchase, 2nd payment of 3rd purchase, 1st payment of 4th purchase) - Your first purchase was paid off last month and you’ve replaced with it with your 4th.

I think :person_shrugging:

Not relevant to the post, but welcome back :muscle:t3:

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Can you wait until you’re employed? If not, I’d answer based on your current situation.

Welcome, I’d say mark as unemployed for now. Then when you start go into your settings and change your employment info :slight_smile:


thankyou. I unfortunately already filled up that section of the form as “employed”. But I stopped at the ID check part because I became doubtful at that point. Now it won’t let me go back and start over. :frowning:

What are my options now? Wait until I start working or go with another bank?

Just continue as normal, wait for your account to be approved, then explain the situation via a live chat.


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Would it be “fraud” if I continue and then explain via a live chat?

You’re employed, you just haven’t started yet. You’re overthinking it!

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I believe these questions aren’t mandated by law, they’re just there to help Monzo know you better. You’ve accidentally clicked something which is true and isn’t true, just continue and change it through a live chat - everyone behind Monzo is a human and would understand. As @Revels said, you’re overthinking it.

Change it in the app.

Thank you everyone!

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