Simple Questions Thread (Newbie Friendly 🙂)

You can get them for as little as ÂŁ10 from Argos for example.

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Hi, Thanks for the help. I’ve had a look at TransferWise Borderless account. Are you saying I should have two Transferwise accounts, or to exchange the currency within a single Borderless account?

Also, I see TransferWise Borderless account allows you to be paid and receive EUR ‘like a local’ which would cut out my Spanish high street bank account (which I will unlikely have any use for when this academic year finishes and I move on to a different country). So this sounds perfect, right?


You just need one of the accounts, it can hold multiple currencies :+1:

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Hi everyone, I have a really important question that I have been searching answer to regarding Monzo bank statements. Am I able to use a Monzo bank statement as proof of income / address for a spouse visa application? I am UK based and the one who is to invite my partner over and of course would need to provide proof of income! Can anyone please tell me if I am able to use a Monzo bank statement for the application and if so would I need it signed/stamped? Has anyone done this successfully? I’d really appreciate genuine answers. Thank you! :smile:

Hi Juliet :wave:

This thread might be some help, especially this reply


Hi, thank you so much! Will check it out. Cheers!


Hi, I am not very good with phone apps and would like to sign up for a Monzo account on my chromebook. How do I do this, please help
many thanks

You can not. Monzo is an app based bank, it will not be suitable for your needs unless you are confident using the phone app.

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I think you can side load the app onto a chromebook (depending on the model) but you need to be in developer mode. If you are not very good with phone apps you will probably not be able to do this unfortunately.

Also the functionality of the app would be the same as on the phone.

Monzo is an app based bank. If you’re not good with apps I don’t think they’ll be a good fit for you, unless you’re prepared to learn. It’s not difficult :slight_smile:

I have the app on my chromebook, I am using it to write this, but cannot find a link to the ‘set up an account’. ??

I am computer literate, been using computers for over 30years, but the reason I am bothered about using my phone is my fingers are losing their nerve ends and my eyes are not brill
at least on my laptop I can use spell check automatically and enlarge the font
but will probably go with the phone and hope It allows online banking in the future

The first screen you see should ask you to ‘sign in’ or ‘sign up’ .

Below is an article written by Monzo that explains the process - hope it helps :slight_smile:

Hi Dianne & welcome :wave:

From your description there, I suspect you’ve installed an app or shortcut to see the forum/community (like - you are reading this post on the forum using the same app/shortcut), but you haven’t sideloaded the actual Monzo bank account app onto your Chromebook yet.

You can create a user account on the Monzo forum (as you have done) but you can’t open a Monzo bank account via the forum. You can only do this in the Monzo bank account app itself, either on a phone or on a chromebook with the Monzo bank account app sideloaded*

*sideloaded means that you don’t install the app via the play store. Instead, you download the required, correct, .apk file and install that directly on the chromebook. I won’t go into details in public on how to do this, but a quick Google will reveal all.
In the case of searching for the Monzo bank account app in the play store using a chromebook, it won’t be displayed because chromebooks aren’t officially supported - only phones are.


You can setup a future dated standing order, then cancel it.

So I like the way Minzo works and they is things I would like to see maybe and some question I whated to ask How and what credit ref agents do you use. I don’t have good credit but maybe over time I would the option to have a small overdraft say £20 and then build trust I think this would be good I Ideas and earn trust. Would it be possible in future maybe at some point to pay in money at the post office I know it would mane new cards for ever user but it would be a great idea. I would alos like to see in the app being able to add the CVV of the I know it 3 number but still would be nice.

It’s TransUnion - you can access it through creditkarma.

Do you think they ever get an iPad app and be able to have the monzo app on two devices and maybe even mange devices in the app

If there’s demand they’ll do it. I personally haven’t seen the demand though.

There have been many calls for full web access, and I believe iPad/tablet apps.
To me, this defeats the object of “fully” mobile banks.
(Just my opinion, others may disagree)