So I read about this pay early feature Monzo has introduced. Naturally this excited me, however even though the company I work for pay all staff through a BACS I haven’t had any notification or even anything show up in the app. Can anyone shine some light as to why I can’t get access to my pay early?
How recently did you switch your salary to being paid into Monzo? It might be worth checking with your payroll department to make sure that the switch has taken place for this payday. Some companies take longer than others to switch.
I applied for my Monzo account on a Friday at the end of July/beginning of August card arrived on the Saturday (next day) told my pay role department on the Monday) Tuesday so did it really early on
If you’re expecting to get paid by BACS tomorrow you should definitely see a greyed out entry in your feed by this time of day. Sounds like either payroll has sent it to your old account or it’s not BACS after all.
Definitely payed by BACS I’ve checked and when I told my payroll I had changed banks I triple checked all details to make sure there would be no mistakes
Generally, from the Home screen, you only need to tap on ‘Payments’ and then tap on ‘Home’ (basically leave the Home feed and then go back within the app) for the feed to refresh properly. No need to kill the app - although that works too!
When I saw them put in my account number and sort code on the system it came up as Monzo Bank so I would assume that Monzo is reconsised by my company’s systems I’m so confused
It’s possible that Monzo won’t give you the option until they’ve seen at least one payment into the account from your employer (or any other payments via BACS). So this month will be ‘normal’ (the date your employer pays you) and next month will be the version of ‘get-it-at-4pm-the-day-before’