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:zipper_mouth_face: :crown:

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Careful, you’ll make him sweat


i need help?
quick question
my partner is waiting for a cheque off monzo due to his account being closed?
is it delievered by royal mail or a different courier?

Didn’t think they issued cheques :confused: From what others say, Monzo ask for your bank details and they transfer it to your account.

Have you tried emailing or telephoning Monzo to ask?

Hi I opened a Monzo account yesterday but accidentally deleted it I tried to open another but it won’t let me verify my mobile number and I can’t get through to anyone on email or call lines

did you open the account and complete all the sign up including selfie video?

A post was split to a new topic: Play

:wave: Hi, I’m thinking of getting a Monzo card because I’m travelling to New Zealand to visit my son on 11th December until 6th January. I just want to be clear about how I can use the card. I see you can only make one cash withdrawals to value of £200 per 30 days. Is there any restriction on using the card to pay for things? Thank you in advance for your help!

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Hi Paula & welcome :wave:

This post will be useful for information about NZ;

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This isn’t quite correct.

The ATM withdrawal limit is £400 per day.

For foreign ATM withdrawals, the fee free limit is £200 per rolling 30 days. If you need more cash, you can have as much as you like, subject to a 3% surcharge.

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Hi David

Thanks for your reply. I did understand the withdrawals but didn’t make it clear. What I wanted to know is if there are any restrictions on using the card to buy and pay for things.



Nope, just your daily card limit which is £10,000 afaik

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Last month my Monzo card was repeatedly declined at a petrol station. I used another card and with SCA rolling out, cursed Monzo under my breath. Reality hit home an hour later when I found out I’d earlier hit the daily (card) spend limit :scream: One of those days…


Thanks for that. I’ll try not to spend more than £10,000 in one day!!



Been a Monzo customer since April wow just wow. I will never leave Monzo now I am here best bank anyone can ask for. App is simply the best thing I (accidentally) came across. Helped me out so much to stop overspending. Little question some of my DD’s are showing on the schedule twice. obviously the don’t pay out twice just one is current and the other one shows last payment was months ago. is there anyway to delete them scared if I hit the cancel button it will also cancel the active ones.

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I had this when I moved over all my direct debits. Support told me that it’s safe to delete the duplicate ones that have an old/no date.

Welcome by the way :wave: :grin:

Did the notification give you any reason or was it just a blunt decline?

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I got this when I’d hit my card limit

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I thought that Monzo was 'schuh’ing you for breaching your limit for a second there…

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The app did provide a notification, but I was using my card at the time to pay for petrol over £30 and so while under pressure to pay, the last thing I thought of was to check the app on my phone. The issue was that I needed to transfer a fair amount of funds that day and I’d forgotten I’d paid the large amount via card and the 2 smaller amount by transfers. I should have done it the other way around. Lesson learned!