Introduce yourself 👋

Hey! I am also working in AML but from a ‘RegTech’ perspective. Just joined the Monzo community!


What exactly are you working on?

I think when the username is ‘anon’ followed by loads of numbers that means they’ve deleted their account. So sadly you’re not going to get a reply :slightly_frowning_face:


Hi, I’ve been using Monzo for over a year now and it;s fab but new to this community.
I’m not tech at all compared to my hubby and his nerdy IT mates.


My name is Ant. I opened my Monzo account on the 5th. This month.
I joined the community this evening. I am excited about Monzo and I am moving my salary across this month.
I hope never to be disappointed!
My work is transport. Trains.
I love travelling, studying, documentary, hiking, music and relaxing.


Hi Ant & welcome :wave:

We all try to avoid disappointment - and hopefully you’ll find information here in the community to help resolve any issues. We’ll help as much as we can!

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A good maxim to live by. Outside my commute, that is - I fear Southern Rail has it out for me of late.

Oh. #Awkward :wink:

But more seriously, welcome! I hope that your experiences with Monzo are as good as mine (and significantly better than my recent interactions with Natwest!)

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Hey everyone!


Hey all, I’m Jacob. I’m a full stack web developer and I’ve been with Monzo ever since I moved to the UK 8~ months ago. I’m excited to see what I can get the Monzo API to do :wink:


Hey I’m Brendan, I have had Monzo for just over a year and went full Monzo a week after signing up. Its a joke among my friends how much I rave about it. I look forward to being a bigger part of the community :slight_smile:


Hi @EndTheFed, @Jacob_P & @brendan & welcome :wave::wave::wave:


Hi all. New to monzo. I signed up last week, and went the whole hog yesterday. Bit of a convert, to be honest. Looking forward to making the most out of it. :slight_smile:


Welcome @LadyPatience :wave:

If you have any questions fire away, there’s lots of knowledgeable people on here :slight_smile:

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I know exactly what you mean. Me too. Also among colleagues, which is awkward since I work in financial services!

Welcome to the forum!

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Hi all,
Happy to be here. I’m trying to get a Monzo account, but without a success for now. I’m here to report a bug. Hope to be a loyal user in the future.

Welcome :wave:

Pop your bug into the bug reports section of this forum and someone on here will try to help :slight_smile:

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I did start a separate thread, because I was too daft to originally find this one.

So now in the right place :wave::wave::wave:

I have been with Monzo for a while now, and have reached a bit of a milestone, after trying numerous time to sign up to the community, I have finally succeeded.

Hello to you all from customer number 2,658, 974

I look forward to (hopefully) making a worthwhile contribution to the community


Hello everyone,

My name is Andrew, I recently joined Monzo.

I live in London


Hey Andrew! :wave:

With apologies, because I’m sure you get a variant of this all the time, but looking at your name I was wondering if you’ve spent any time with Emily Maitlis recently? (I’m very sorry)

Sir, I don’t know who you are referring to and anything else you say is slander :wink::wink: