Monzo availability in other countries

Hello. I live in Spain and I want to know when we would be able to register on Mondo and get a card. App says “Coming soon to Spain”.
You have more specific details about it?

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Hey! We’d love to come to Spain but no specific plans yet :slight_smile: I’d definitely be up for moving to Barcelona and taking one for the team :wink:


Oh! Thanks for your response. Hope to see people using Mondo here soon! :smile:

Lets see :joy: :smile:

Come to Gibraltar instead. You’ll have Spain on your doorstep while still being located in Britain. The offshore banks here use the UK banking system (Natwest’s sort code is 60-60-60 and I have no trouble using the Faster Payments System to transfer to my UK onshore accounts). The local banks here also wont open accounts for new customers (apparently when Barclays shut down 2 years ago, the remaining banks were overwhelmed with low balance customers), so there is a large base of workers (10,000 cross the border from Spain to work and most currently get paid in cash) who are just itching for your product.

There may be some tax benefits for you too :wink:

Did I mention it was 26c here today with a nice breeze?


Oh! Didnt know it. Thanks for your advice! :smile:

Tom talked about whether :mondo: will be available elsewhere in Europe & the US in yesterday’s Periscope chat (there’s a link to the video in the post I’ve quoted).

It’s actually sounding quite promising!

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Hello everyone! Coming back to this topic, I am from Spain and I am currently living in UK and using my Monzo card! I really love it, I find amazing all your ideas for the future as a proper bank! Would be awesome if I still would can using Monzo when I’ll be back in Spain or even in more countries! So… I really support this idea!!:raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2::earth_africa::earth_asia::earth_americas:

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Hi @Jorge

You can use your Monzo card in Spain feel free to do so. But remember that when topping up it will charge your debit card in pounds not Euros so your bank will probably charge extortionate fees.

Many thanks for your answer, nice to know it! I’ll try it :slight_smile:

would be nice can do it without any extra
But thanks anyway

The fees are charged by your bank. Monzo doesn’t charge any fees for practically anything. Check with your bank about foreign transaction fees.

Will Mondo be available Caribbean countries such as Barbados as well ?

I don’t think they have any specific plans to launch in countries other than the UK for now - a global launch would be very cool though.


Actually, it was confirmed in their investment deck for the latest crowdfunding round, that Monzo are planning to expand to Europe -

& the USA -

Unfortunately that doesn’t help @shaq much though :pensive:

So for now, it’ll only be UK users who can try out Monzo while travelling in Barbados :palm_tree:

Please add Andorra support in the future :slight_smile: thx

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can you clarify that you actually need support in Andorra, if so what problems are you having?

or did you mean to allow applicants from that country to open accounts?

Indeed, allow andorran residents (outside EEA) to apply for an account

Doesn’t Monzo have to offer non-UK based EU customers access to UK banking under the European Union
Payment Accounts Directive 2014/92/EU anyway? Most UK banks now offer this, although in a basic form. It may as well offer Euro accounts too because of their unique ways.

Directive 2014/92/EU on payment accounts tackles three areas:
• comparability of fees related to payment accounts (Ch
• payment account switching at national level (Ch III),
• access to payment accounts with basic features (Ch IV).

Access to accounts under Article 16 has many exceptions and exemptions, so are you referring to the Article 15 provision? These are enacted by UK Statutory Instrument 2038 The Payment Accounts Regulations 2015 from 15th December 2015 which says:

Access to payment accounts
Non-discrimination in the provision of payment accounts
18.—(1) A credit institution must not discriminate against consumers legally resident in the European Union by reason of their nationality or place of residence or by reason of any other ground referred to in Article 21 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union when those consumers apply for or access a payment account.
(2) The conditions applicable to holding a payment account with basic features must not be discriminatory.


Hey @Chapuys! Once we have made available our current account we will consider other forms of current account may be useful for our customers and potential customers in the UK and beyond.

One thing we’d like to consider is the basic bank account as we appreciate it is a really useful product for many people. At the moment only nine banks are required to make available a basic bank account. These can be found here.