Do you have the chat button? (Poll)

It isn’t.


Looking further it seems like there are a few more variations within articles.

If I go to an article where there definitely should be a route to contact Monzo e.g. ‘Reporting a Scam’ I get a ‘Get in Touch’ button within the body of the help text AND a ‘I can’t find what I’m looking for’ button right at the bottom.

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That’s just greedy :sob:

I’ve got that on some help articles and not others.

But I always have a “Chat with us?” button at the bottom of the help tab.

I’ve voted as no button, despite having the “I can’t find what I’m looking for” link, on the cheque imaging help article.

I have both on the overdrafts one, so I answered yes in the poll for that.

I thought staff had confirmed it’s not an A-B test? Is this more closely aligned to the version of the app people are using, or some other metric that’s not about the plan of their account?

Its as big of a mystery as Monzos lending criteria :laughing:

Monzo’s lending criteria is meant to be a mystery. They’re not going to reveal that :joy:


We can hope and wish lol, It would be interesting if any of the Monzo Staff on the Community could shed some light on why there is such a difference with the “Contact Us” placements for different users :slight_smile:

I believe it’s been discussed by staff in the past? With confirmation going just to the limits of it not being an A/B test.

This is probably the best we’re going to get:

Ah, I see. I don’t think they will share any more than that then to be honest

Yup! I’d prefer to try to find out the root cause for why some people can access chat out of hours, and others can’t. Whether there’s a correlation to having a recent transaction, or something take place vs type of account.

This test (and it’s fine doing it), is not going to reveal anything.

Back in the day when the button first disappeared, I remember Monzo staff saying that the removal wasn’t an A/B test, and was in fact a permanent thing that would be rolled out to all.

There’s obviously a challenge in Support for Live Chat 24/7 for all, that’s clear. But it seems since the first removal was discussed here, it’s become less “chat button removed for all” and more “we’re applying mystery criteria to who gets the button”.

What I discovered was that you can create a deep link in iOS to open Chat directly, which is useful. When the whole saga first came up, I was testing that button a lot, and testing different articles that would take me to Chat. Since then, my chat button came back. What I suspect is because of that time where I pressed help a lot, they flagged my account as “often needing support” so gave me the button back. (Even though it only took me to the chat screen and I never actually raised a ticket).

Only a theory of course.

I said before, and I still maintain, that Monzo need a significant overhaul on the Help section and how users get to it before they start removing buttons - some sections of the app have had that, like the disputes flow, but the Help section itself is woefully underpowered. But I guess that’s a slightly different discussion for another thread,


Imagine not being open about how customers can contact you, not sure why it’s such a great mystery and why there’s so much difference between each customer.


My recollection is there were different messages from Monzo staff back in Spring last year. I recall at least one saying it was an A/B test and at least one saying it wasn’t. It was this combined with ongoing reports of mixed experiences that prompted the polls in this thread.

Based on the admittedly small sample so far (74 votes) it seems a fairly sizeable proportion ( ~ 42%) still have access to chat via the main help screen. If Monzo had already made a firm decision in Spring last year to gradually withdraw chat access from the main help screen I would expect that proportion to be lower by now.

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I personally don’t see or understand why a bank would want to make it harder for their customers to get in touch if they needed help. I get the drive to self-serve to prevent unnessasary contacts but if we really need to get in ouch with Monzo there should be a button ready and waiting.

Of course thats just my opinion and there could be reasons that i have not thought of that work in favour of having the button removed from the help section and put behind flows of self-serve options.


Well. Yeah I still agree!

I think in the context of someone like my dad. If he needed to speak to someone, he wouldn’t think to search ‘contact’ in the help probably. Most likely he’d ring me and ask me how to get in touch with Monzo.

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I wonder if it’s anything to do with how much of a “pain in the ass” you are for Monzo and its their way of saying that you need to read the guides first.

Perhaps @o99 could do another poll for how often you contact support. Be it daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly and so on? Then cross reference this against the current ones.

I can’t remember the last time I spoke to them. Perhaps over a year and I have all buttons intact. This is the only thing I can think of as to why I’m in the minority who is uneffected :man_shrugging:

I’ve just looked back through my chat history from 2020, I got in touch 4 times in the last year; twice to request physical statements, and twice in things relating to a business bank account.

Not sure how that stacks up against high or low use, but from what I can tell only one of the requests I had could be done in app without help (although I couldn’t find it on my own).

Not sure when my button came back, but not sure if my 2020 activity would trigger it (as I say, unless opening a chat without chatting would trigger it)

Wonder what “normal” contacts per year look like.

This is where I was leading to.

Just like we can rate our chat experience I wonder if support staff do the same. So with possibly some other criteria they state whether a help article covered this or not.

So if you cross a threshold it’s Monzos way of punishing you by removing the chat button and forcing you to search first.

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Perhaps best if you create so its specifically designed to test your prediction. It won’t be able to be cross referenced to earlier polls because responses were anonymous in those. So answers in new poll would need to be designed to capture info on both presence of support button and volume or frequency of prior support experiences.