Can’t login Monzo and Monzo doesn’t reply me

I checked my monzo today and found out I have been sign out , so I tried to login again, when I entered my phone number I do get the message, but when I entered the verification code it shows it couldn’t verify my phone number , I’ve tried so many times it still not working, I even deleted the app and re-download again but still didn’t work, so I wrote a email to , a guy named George told me to go to settings-reset session, I tried but still not working, and I wrote back email said it’s not working I need further help but monzo didn’t reply me back, I even wrote twice!! So I still have money inside but I can’t use it now!! Can someone help me please

PS. I tried everything deleted download again, turn off and turn on my phone again, but all of this is not working

Make sure you’re using the login and not sign up option, that you’re using the email that you used setting up your account and the correct phone number

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You shouldn’t need your phone number to log in to the app, just your email address.
I would suggest that you try try to delete and reinstall the app, then make sure you are following the login flow.

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I did, I used the signed up email and correct phone number so I get the login email by mail and verification code by phone but when I entered verification code it just kept showing something went wrong with my phone number, and I even tried my friends phone number and entered the verification code but still the same :sob::sob::sob:

But I just follow the login process, the app ask my email first and then ask my phone number next, without phone number I can’t login , and I already deleted and downloaded so many times it’s still the same :sob::sob:

Logging in doesn’t ask for your mobile number. Are you sure you’re not using the sign up option?

You do not need your phone number, I’ve just logged out and back in. You’ve chose the wrong option. Choose log in




That’s the iOS flow, presume android is the same


Was literally just doing screenshots of the exact same flow!


Either that or the wrong email address was entered - leading to the sign-up flow being triggered.


Seemed easiest :grin:

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If email isn’t found it does warn



Hi guys,

I’m pretty sure I choose the login option not the sign up one, I the email I received is login mail as well, but it still shows up the phone option next
Below is my screenshot for my login processes and the email I received, I just don’t know why I need to enter my phone number!!
But I think maybe because I updated the app few days ago ? So now login needs phone number?

image image image

Strange. I would call Monzo at 0800 802 1281 so they can investigate.

Looks like you’ve got airplane mode on so I don’t think that will help.

I’d try it again with it disabled to rule that out.

Try to use your PC… go to and access your email from PC as well
Maybe your email - blocked important part of Monzo magic link?

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That definitely looks like the sign up option rather than the login :see_no_evil:

Or you’ve used the wrong email, and it’s started creating another account.

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May be related to this then?

With the solution being

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