3 posts were split to a new topic: Privacy Options for the App
I agree with some of the statements here as currently it offers nothing to me at the moment, but!.. benefit of the doubt for @hugo and Monzo is that it is there for a reason, a reason which nobody here has experienced first hand.
Which leads me to think we are judging it before it’s full justification has been realised and developed.
Possibly! I would like to be proved wrong, as Hugo replied to me earlier about waiting and seeing what comes. I do think however that we can all make a pretty good judgement about how useful it will be for each of us, from what we have already been told
I think people need to remember monzo is in beta, the app is being built for current accounts. Features like the graph are being tested and won’t see its full potential until we get our current accounts
I feel bad complaining about it since I know people have worked hard on developing features they hope will be useful for users, but it’s not something I use or will look at all. It’s not that it’s ugly (everything in the app looks great except maps) but it doesn’t really offer me additional information with the sort of spending/topping up I do i.e. just top up the minimum and replenish whenever I need it so my balance usually exists between £10-200, the fluctuations don’t really give me info (I use the targets bit/search if I want to know more transaction info).
I saw the thread @alexs shared about it showing more useful info for overdrafts and predictions in the future, which I’m sure would be much appreciated by other users, but again, I won’t use it like I mentioned earlier I don’t scroll through it to see what I spend everyday and scrolling through it directs you to the same date a month before so you can’t just stop on a random date, so either way I have to scroll up/down.
But I don’t want Monzo to do away with it for everyone just because a proportion of us don’t use it, so I thought the ability to toggle it on/off would be nice. But like you say introducing lots of settings could make the app really confusing, so I’d say it’s something of a "nice to have. If it takes up too much time/resources, then I’d rather that be devoted to something else.
Talking about what we don’t use/like can be useful anyway so they can just take our feedback into account and improve things for smaller phones etc. so it’s not a wasted debate!
Remember that the iPhone SE exists and is the iPhone 5/5s size!
Thanks @jzw95 did DM me to point that out too but hopefully it’s obvious enough that it’s the difference between the sizes that the survey’s asking about
Unfortunately I can’t edit the poll now that it has votes.
A vote here for confidence in @hugo delivering something that none of us have considered, that isn’t obtrusive and is genuinely helpful. Don’t make it toggle-able, make it a delight.
And as it’s a current product, we can’t assume that the ‘small’ screens will go away due to atrophe. I mentioned in my DM to @alexs that if I upgrade my 5s, it will be to an SE.
As a counter to those that don’t use the pulse and want to hide it, I currently don’t use it, but it doesn’t bother me, even on the screen of the 5s (issues with the current balance being hidden notwithstanding). I normally don’t notice it’s there, and can see enough transactions at once. I wouldn’t hide it myself because it might become useful at some point in the future, whether that’s at current account launch or after, as it gets features and refinement.
It was also worth noting the lack of votes from people planning to upgrade soon
There’s a niggle on the Monzo app that’s been niggling away at me for the last six or so months. Today I think I’ve finally realised what it is:
The chart at the top of the home screen
It looks cool in screenshots and animates beautifully. The chart goes up and down. But have I ever found it useful? As it turns out, not really.
It feels like a waste of screen real estate. It feels like a vanity chart.
I don’t wanna see this:
I wanna see that whole section replaced with something that looks like this:
That would be way more useful.
What do you think?
I’ve moved your post here as there’s a few other users who’ve raised almost exactly the same point in this topic
I understand your frustration but even if you’re not using the Pulse Graph & it’s functionality at the moment, Hugo has explained that it will be enhanced & why the team doesn’t want to make hiding it an option, earlier in the thread.
You might just have been a little bit early to make this request
If we’ve missed anything in the discussion so far though, it would be great to hear your thoughts.
Thanks for the extra information and context, @alexs.
I look forward to learning how the graph becomes useful. Future predictions sounds like it might be helpful.