And I can see that that’s not great. So I guess the question is, what proportion of iOS users have this smaller screen size? Monzo will already have the data for this but I’m curious to get some sense so…
Which model of iPhone do you have (if you have more than one, choose the one that you use Monzo on most often)?
According to this diagram the 4S & 5 models have the ‘too small’ screen size.
iPhone 4S or 5
iPhone 4S or 5 but plan to upgrade within 3 months
It doesn’t look that bad if you have multiple transactions in a day but sometimes I just have one transaction a day and it gets broken up by the dates even more. My friend uses a iPhone 6 SE (same size as the 4/5) so the graph is an inconvenience for her too
I’m pretty sure we’ll adjust things around the pulse at some point. I don’t think we need to let you “turn it off”, what we need to do is to improve the design so it works better on small screens and gives you enough value so you don’t feel we’re wasting that real estate. Not sure when we’ll do it but I promise we’re aware of some of the issues and we’ll improve it
I never really look at the chart as it isn’t something I need as I don’t get close to £0 in my account. I would like a way to hide it or turn it off because otherwise it’s just a huge chart at the top of my screen I’ll never use
There’s quite a few other reasons to use the graph which have been mentioned earlier in this post but even if it’s not helpful now, hopefully the upcoming updates will be?
I mean the whole seeing when direct debits go out and when my salary is going to come in are nice but I already know all of that so it isn’t actually adding anything to my experience. I have honestly never thought to look at the chart because it’s much easier to just scroll down through my transactions. I know it’ll be useful for others but it wont add anything to the experience for me when the current accounts come out
Really, I think we can do better than that. As I mentioned before, it’s difficult to see the full value of this when you can’t (yet) see transactions in the future.
In any case, I would feel we’re failing you if we need to start letting you customise what features appear on screen. I know it seems like the obvious answer but it will almost never be the right solution for us. This is not an operating system where you might need to customise things to your needs, Monzo is meant to be a simple app so we need to make it work…
Out of curiosity, what you’re trying to do is to maximise the vertical space we use for transactions? Is it an aesthetic kind of thing (aka, “the graph is ugly”) or you just want to have more transactions visible at the same time? Thanks!
From my point of view, I just top up as required, so a permanent burndown graph offers me nothing. I use my spending targets to watch my spending. As an iPhone 6s user it only(!) takes up about 25% of my screen so I can live with it, but would rather toggle it off permanently.
Seeing some of the screenshots here of smaller screens I think I would definitely consider it intrusive.
This discussion’s really starting to go around in circles as Hugo’s mentioned, the Pulse Graph is due to be enhanced so even if it’s not useful now, it hopefully will be.
I don’t think the graph is ugly but what annoys me is that when I dont spend with Monzo for 4/5 days I end up with a completely flat line. Yes it’s good that its showing me I didn’t spend but again I already know that and so showing it to me really makes no difference to how I use the app. Maybe it’s different for those who spend everyday with Monzo
I get what you are saying and don’t get me wrong I understand that you want/need to make it work etc however for me I don’t understand it therefore it is pointless and I don’t need/want to see it, nothing to do with looks etc just I don’t get it.
For me I just want what I showed with the ability to blur my balance as I don’t want everyone to see it when I show people the app etc which I would do a lot more if my balance was hidden.