Not sure if this is actually a general bug or an #isitjustme issue. One of my favourite features is that when I’m paying with my Monzo card I get an instant notification on my phone which confirms that the payment has been authorised - or on those rare occasions when it’s not I know the reason why.
For some reason I am not now getting these notifications and have to go into the app to check my balance and transactions.
In the Monzo settings, all notifications are on.
Am I missing something or is this an intentional feature change?
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As far as I’m aware, this feature hasn’t been changed - you should still be receiving notifications for every purchase. That’s assuming that you haven’t changed this setting either -
So I’m afraid the usual advice, force quit & reopen the app, then if that doesn’t work, delete the app & reinstall it, is probably your best bet here.
There have been notifications bugs in the past so if none of the above works, please do let us know.
4 posts were split to a new topic as it was becoming clear that a separate, bigger issue was occurring: Delayed push notifications on iOS [May 2017]
To confirm, this issue was resolved by updating the app.
Separately I’ve encountered the delayed notifications issue since then.
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