Lock screen notifications not working

Is there anyone experiencing problems with the lock screen notifications on? Somehow Monzo is not showing any notifications except the red numbers on the app icon on my iPhone anymore. Especially the lock sreen notification is normally really useful to quickly check during a card transaction.

I checked the nofiticaitons settings and everything is turned on. I’m on iOS 10.2.1 and the latest Monzo version.

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How long have you noticed this issue happening for?

There is currently a bug in the app which causes notifications to vanish from your lock screen, immediately after they arrive. That’s due to be fixed in the next update of the app.

If that’s happening then perhaps you’ve just missed the last few notifications because of this? But if you’re not getting the notification at all then this is probably something else…

The issue is happening already for quite some time. I couldn’t tell you exactly how long. I just checked again and there are not even notifications in the notification center where all the other apps do appear with their notifications for the last few days. The only way I can tell that something happened in Monzo is only the red numbers appearing on the app icon. Maybe I should try and re-install the app. Is there any problem with connecting to my Monzo account if I re-install the app?

Thanks for the help :slight_smile:

Yes, that’s a good idea.

No there won’t be, all you need is your email address & you’ll be sent a magic link to sign back in again :slight_smile:

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Same issue. Have tried public and TestFlight releases. Notifications worked again briefly upon delete/install cycles on both but failed shortly after. No notifications at all now.

Will go back to CS with a bug report.


So I just tried to re-install the app and the problem is still there. I just made a transaction and the notification showed up on the lock screen for 1 second and disappeared straight away. It is still not visible in any other form but the red number on the app icon.

We found and squashed the bug, but the fix probably won’t make it to you until next week as we have a bit of a backlog with Apple at the moment :roll_eyes:

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Ok. Great to hear that the problem will be fixed. I don’t mind waiting, just trying to improve the app by reporting bugs like this. :grinning:


So, since the last post on this topic we have seen one update and two weeks have past but I still have the same issues. The notifications just don’t work on my iPhone SE with the lates iOS version and the latest Monzo version. Has this fix been pushed back or is this just my phone playing weird?


This issue has been fixed today :beetle::hammer:

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