A sneak peek at an upcoming campaign for the new Monzo

I agree with this as a general point.

But I think the majority of people - and that’s who Monzo will need to appeal to going forward - want some stability in their banking apps (in particular) and won’t appreciate the highly agile rollout model Monzo have used to date. Especially when some things are just left at MVP rather than being developed after launch.

While developing in this way is fine, it has to adapt the way it rolls out features so Monzo appeal to a wider audience than just this forum or mainly millennials…


:100: 100% agree with that. Spend six months sweating the small stuff and focus on core money management.

That doesn’t mean no new things, but a commitment of a couple of squads to polish and finish - other teams can continue on the new stuff!

(I’m absolutely including budgeting and payments in the polish and finish btw)


I agree and your points aren’t without merit, on the contrary, a balance must be struck and you’ve experienced it too far towards the chaos end of the dial.

What to do? I guess Monzo need to find out specifically when something they’ve done has been a bad experience and why, and potentially allow people to connect to that feature team, or the feature team to get in touch. My teacher wife always reminds me its the behaviour at the time, not the person in general :slight_smile:

The way we work is changing and rather than command and control, which we’ve suffered for centuries, great companies are reorganising around autonomous cells. I wonder if, as customers, we were more accepting of mistakes and more in touch with the people behind the products we use, more companies would relax the reins, be better places to work and make better stuff.

My money is on it allowing you to split your salary up into different pots, on receipt of it (whether that’s early or not)…

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Quite likely. Considering it launched recently for Business accounts.

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I’ve not seen this - have you any screenshots or links to a thread?

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Is this for business accounts?

Nice, cheers

It has got to be for business accounts because all the other interest and ISA pots are missing :thinking:

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That’s what I was thinking!

Would be great for personal accounts though when I do a bit of freelance work! :slight_smile:

I’m so excited for when we get this launched. I’ve seen so much more amazing stuff in the pipeline too - lots of which started off as ideas here on the community.

I’m so proud to be part of both the community & Monzo.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Monzo Labs: Bills Pots :honey_pot:

This has nothing to do with an advertising campaign. There is a topic to discuss bills pots below which I’m sure all of this has already been addressed:

Oh and use punctuation. It’s so hard to read :see_no_evil:

A post was merged into an existing topic: We’re working on a new look for the Monzo app

Topic for feedback on the new navigation is here:

I have a feeling this will be a set amount coming out of your salary, straight into a pot then the bills pot comes into play


@pauldnugent I’ll be interested to see this, although I’m more interested in HOW this will be communicated.

I’ve been ‘away’ from this forum and whilst it’s nice seeing adverts on bus stops, I’ve seen virtually NOTHING about Monzo anywhere else. Will these wonderful new things be pushed to us in-app with a message? Or are you hoping that people are following on social media channels?

As an example, I’m also a customer of Bank of Scotland who are working hard on their app, and now and then I get a screen telling me of a new feature.


Any hints :eyes: