A sneak peek at an upcoming campaign for the new Monzo

All I can say is that I’ve finally closed my Santander account and done a CASS! I’m now officially #FULLMONZO :partying_face:


Monzo are getting branches :open_mouth:


Think you’re barking up the wrong tree :deciduous_tree:


Would love to know your ‘rationale’ behind that move. Genuine question btw.

My money is on this and transaction blocks for set retailers


Welcome back! :wave:


Maybe this as the secret feature…


Just found this on Google apparently from 10th September


Cheques scan? Post Office deposits?


Hi Richard,

I’ve been with Monzo since the pre-paid days (I have another forum account that I used to use before I became staff) and was one of the first to test the current accounts. I’ve previously paid most of my direct debits out of my Santander account, mostly for the cashback.

However, the new features (such as bills pots) now make it so easy to track and budget my spending that it’s worth more to me to have everything come out of Monzo than the cashback I used to earn.

I hope that makes sense!


Hi Dan,
I’m gonna be honest and at the moment, say it doesn’t make sense, no. Purely as I don’t fully understand, that’s all. Of course, what you do is your business, I’m just ‘picking your brain’ for the ideas that’s all.
So, you gave up cashback and current account interest to use a Monzo Bill Pot that offers nothing more than having money for direct debits? That’s what I don’t understand. To me, I am getting interest and cashback that actually covers the £5 account fee, so all of the interest is mine. With cashback coming in, that would count towards your account fee, why would you switch to an account that gives nothing? (Again, this ‘nothing’ is based on my circumstances. With you being with Monzo for a one time, you are probably getting something I cannot)

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Not to speak for anyone else but I guess it boils down to how much interest (and cashback) you’re actually earning on the amount you have set aside for bills.

For most I imagine it’s going to be minimal and worth giving up in order to have everything under one roof and being easily tracked.
For others the interest will be worth more than the perceived benefits of just using one account.

Potaytoes, potahtoes


No problem - and I totally get that everybody has a different situation.

For me - I’ve never been great with money. I’m not the sort of person who finds it easy to keep track of all their money, bills etc.

Monzo is great for me. I can now set all my direct debits up to come from a pot, as I can with my standing orders (it’s in staff testing at the moment). I can see clearly how MUCH will come out of my account each month and make sure that I keep that amount set aside in a bill pot, which is locked and which I cannot spend.

What’s left is the ‘rest’ of my money. I have pots with targets for things I need to save for, so because I’m going on holiday in a couple of months I’ve got a pot for the hotel at the airport, a pot for the car hire etc. These are fixed costs, and I put money into them whenever I have it spare. I also have long-term savings pots (which earn interest) with Monzo. They might not be the best interest rates in the market, but I can see everything, together.

So for me the ease of being able to see my money all in one place and then manage that effectively is more than worth the £13 a month I’m going to lose from my 1-2-3 account.

For the first time in my life I’m actually saving money, I’ve got my finances under much better control and I’m working my way to being debt free. That’s all thanks to Monzo and their app.

I know I work for Monzo, but I’ve banked with them for a long time and I’m not exaggerating when I can say that it’s changed my life.


Standing Orders now working as well


Oh yes I do see that

Hey Dan,

All makes sense :+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

I really do get how being in control means more than a few quid. You’re far better off now. Thanks for being candid in your reply.

The idea of a locked bill pot is a good one I have to concur. The fact it removes any temptation of being able to spend that money is really good.

I agree on the interest not being the best but I’ll still say it is good enough that I’m working out ‘some sums’ now to see what I can put away. Any interest is money in our pockets. Better than zero!

You clearly have your head in the right place and working towards being debt free is great. Well done on that :ok_hand:t2:

Thanks Richard,

I’ve only been at Monzo for a few weeks, I’m impressed with the dedication to honesty, transparency and communication and that applies across the business, with staff and with customers. The sort of conversations we have on here are invaluable in making monzo, monzo.

Everybody has different use cases, and it’s so important we discuss all of this on forum. What works for me might not work for you but the more we share, communicate and listen the better Monzo can be.

I’m so excited to be part of this campaign Monzo have planned and I really believe it will help demonstrate how Monzo has matured. We really can be the only bank you need, we just have to convince people that they want that.


The get paid early feature is brilliant.

I had some expenses due to be paid on Monday but thanks to Monzo was able to get the money the Friday before which gave me spending money for the weekend.

Bill pots only seem to work with standing orders at present and not direct debits, or at least I couldn’t find how to set them up so not used that yet.


Have a read here: Monzo Labs: Bills Pots 🍯. They should work with DDs on iOS and DDs/SOs on Android.

You can set a SO to your bill pot on iOS it just doesn’t show in the pot list yet.

Awesome :pray:

We’ve had SOs in staff testing for awhile now, sometimes I lose track of what’s internal and what’s in labs. I get too excited :hot_coral_heart: