Glad it finally worked out for you, @Ben1992.
I’m an investor and have been a loyal customer of Monzo’s for over five years. Nevertheless, this issue of not being able to get hold of Monzo when you need to make those rare large payments - or their not acting consistently if you do - remains a major sticking point for me.
I originally raised this over three years ago, and they did eventually announce that they were had developed a process for sorting out such exceptional payments. However, it’s disappointing that this still doesn’t work consistently.
In terms of fully switching my accounts to Monzo, this is a deal breaker. These rare large purchases constitute moments of truth. They’re often already very stressful and loaded with emotion, and not to be able to reliably predict whether Monzo will rise to the occasion makes this much worse. The fact that many customers aren’t even aware of the limits and that Monzo choose not to display them more prominently on payment journeys to increase awareness is another failure.
Monzo, if your customers don’t know whether they can rely on you during such moments of truth, then they can’t rely on you. Please sort this out so it works every time.