The Monzo app is changing: we've had a makeover!

Reordering pots was mentioned separately as another thing they hope to tackle :soon:

As the blog post mentions, we’re starting to roll-out the changes today. Not every existing user will get the new nav immediately, but we’ll be adding people every second (literally), so you should get access to it soooon.


@JarnoWolf just a couple of questions in case you do create that salary sorter thread:

  1. My salary goes into my personal account whereas all my Bills are paid from my joint account. Will it be possible to have part of the salary transferred automatically from a personal account to a joint account through the salary sorter feature, or does it just work for sorting salary into pots?

  2. Can you mark a regular incoming normal transfer as salary? In this case I’m wondering if I can use the salary sorter to then sort the money me and my partner transfer from our personal monzo accounts to our joint account every month, into the different pots we use in our joint account?


Will it be possible to mark an incoming transfer as a “salary” in this way and use the salary sorter?


I would very much like to know this, too. Perhaps @cookywook?

Looks like a post will be coming to answer questions when the feature is announced properly :slight_smile:


I have a Monzo Business account, but unfortunately it doesn’t support Bacs Direct Credits, so marking a normal transfer as the “Salary” transfer for use with the Salary Sorter is going to be quite critical…

I am also interested in the usecase of personal-to-joint transfers, because this is how my money is routed, so I would need to be able to mark that transfer as salary also.

Finally, how does Salary Sorter deal with the joint account in general - in the (presumably quite typical) case of two separate salaries coming in there (through whatever means)?

I was kind of hoping to allocate into pots, but seems from photo that’s not the case?

I assumed it was a bills pot and a savings pot

From the photo that looks exactly what it is doing?


I interpreted it that way too. Curious to hear your view @DazF :slight_smile:

That photo looks like it is allowing you to allocate chosen amounts to pots (‘Bills’ & ‘Savings’ pots in the image), with the resulting amount left as ‘Spending’ in your account.

The big questions are; does it work with any payments (income) into the account - salaries, overtime payments, child benefits, lottery winnings, etc., - and is it both BACS and Faster Payments types?
Oh and I’m assuming it works on Joint Accounts too - as does Bills pots.

Answers :soon:!!!


Might just be for show to be honest. Makes sense to allocate to any available pot.


Fingers crossed you can allocate to any pot :crossed_fingers:


It would make sense to, since you can set any/multiple pots as a bill pot.

Hopefully the blog post when it comes will clarify!

I’ve got a post up here that’s super barebones but I’ll answer some questions and update it as we go :blush:


Pls can I go back to the old navigation :frowning: … there is nothing positive about the new one for me


Nothing at all?

Soon nobody will have the old one, so it’s not an option

I’ve been forced onto the new one today… The button to show me the new features doesn’t work - it just goes back to the main screen… I’m assuming the only changes are the budgeting features and navigation? Doesn’t benefit me at all and feels less natural