Hey hey! You may have seen Salary Sorter floating around on the forum already but here’s a bit more info.
When we put Bills Pots into labs we got a lot of feedback that it would be great to be able to easily portion money onto the right pots. We’ve been doing research and so many budgeting strategies start with a little bit of admin at the start of the month to set yourself up for success.
These screenshots show some features still in development so this and my answers are all subject to change etc. etc. but I’m really excited about this and how it could match up with Bills Pots and Paid Early.
Let us know what you think below, happy to answer some questions
Depending on when this gets into your hands, the answer is yes, or soon.
The “finished” product will have the ability to sort a payment into your joint account from your solo account (or vice versa)
marking as salary is probably the wrong term but yes, you’ll be able to sort a transfer you’ve made between your personal and joint account
Say you mark a salary as to be sorted next time and the value changes a bit (maybe a bit of overtime or whatever) would it still work? What if the value went down?
You’ll be able to sort it, but we might not be able to remember how much you’ve split to each pot, depending on how erratic the dates are (but are working on getting better at it)
Thanks for showing us this, and it looks great. Being self employed, I’d love to sort my tax as soon as a payment hits my account, which is a percentage. Any chance of that getting added further down the line?
Sorting as a %, opinions on how much you should sort and where, having sorting templates you can apply to different payments are all areas to potentially explore down the line. Can’t make guarantees though, but we’ll see how this goes down