The Co-operative Bank chat

Still smiling?

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Tbf I had to deal with Smile phone support to close a long-forgotten savings account and they were very impressive. Not expecting much from the account though

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So they are insisting I owe the £58 overdraft and have provided me with a final response. It did also mention they have CC’ed in a dedicated team that deal with unclaimed assets and to contact them directly if I need to speak to them - doesn’t even tell me who they are or how to contact them!

Looking at my clearscore, it shows the account falling off as being removed previously and has now been re-added as status unknown.

Looking into Equifax, it shows the account as opened in January 2023 which is correct and closed in July 2023 yet the payment history shows up to date with payments from January 2022 until April 2022 and then no update received since then ; the account wasn’t even open in 2022 so absolutely baffled unless anyone can share some insight?

The account number on Equifax also doesn’t match what the actual account number was either.

They don’t always match.

Take the complaint to the ombudsman.

You can request bank statements going back 7 years so request those too.

It doesn’t sound like it was the Cashminder account that you opened. It’s a basic bank account and they don’t appear on credit files in my experience. Certainly the Cashminder one that I had never did.

Another reason why Co-op are a shitshow that should be avoided.


Definitely cashminder as it shows as basic bank account on the credit file. I’ve raised with the Ombudsman so will keep you all updated!

Good luck!

On a complete sidenote I was coming back from Oxford today from a work conference and I drove past “The blue pyramid” on the M60.

It looks in a better state than the current bank!

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Saw it a couple of weeks ago from the train. Noticed it was to let.

Looked run down.

Worked in the CiS tower for a while, only went into Angel Square once but it was very nice :blush:

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This is what I see on my credit report (obviously removed my details)
Does the information provided look like what would be expected ; ie, start date of the account being in 2023 yet account history showing in 2021?

Sorry for the double post but just keeping you all updated on this one.
They are happy to process my SAR however are insisting on charging me £10 for bank statements as they are advising a SAR doesn’t cover those and these are chargeable?

Is this right?

Morally, no the charge isn’t fair.

I’m not sure statements are part of a DSAR, as it’s in theory your responsibility to store your statements if you ever need to refer back.

Coop do have some unusual terms, especially around their statements, including the charge.

Did they not issue you them on closure of your account? By regulation they must have them stored and available for 7 years prior closure, and you can request them any time.

Request digital copies not physical.

I do remember getting a closing statement but it was £0 and given it was last year, I naturally have shredded it now.

I think that they can likely charge for the statements as otherwise we’d all be asking for them via the SAR route. However, the transaction and balance history is covered by SAR and that’s what you should ask for.

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I’m not sure whose responsibility is to store what is a relevant consideration for a SAR – the only relevant consideration is whether statements constitute personal information, and I’d argue they do. Other banks do provide them as part of a SAR.

It just further shows what a shitty, anti-consumer bank Co-op is. How they can claim to be the ethical bank is beyond me.


I have a few colleagues at Work who are with Co-Op Bank and all they talk about is the issues they have with them.

They say about the App and Website always going down and payments taking forever to both enter and leave the account.

I just can’t understand why it’s taken over a year to surface for this apparent balance on the account, no comms about it and from what I can see in my screenshot above, errors in reporting the account to the CRAs.

I’m exhausted already!

This sounds the best route.

I agree, but I’m not sure statements themselves are part of that but the above statement would be the way around it.

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If the statements are held in their finished form then you are entitled to a copy of them as part of a SAR.

If the statements are generated each time from transaction data, and don’t exist as a static document then they do not constitute data held, so are not within scope of SAR.

The transaction data, which must exist at the very least, is certainly within scope.

Surprised the bank are being such dicks about this in either case.


They have (as a goodwill gesture….) agreed to send me the statements without charge.

Been advised it can take up to 10 working days to arrive.

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