Going full monzo for wages and universal Credit

Hello everyone,
Joined Monzo couple of weeks ago. I usually bank with Lloyd’s and NatWest.
Just want to know people’s experiences who use Monzo to get the wages paid in…I am thinking of it…any negatives? Also any one use Monzo to get universal credit paid it? Does it go all smoothly?
Also what time does the wages usually go into the monzo account? NatWest is usually like 3am…


I believe wages get paid in at 1am.

Make sure to have notifications on, and the sound up full to experience the endless joy of the “KERRRRR CHING!” to know you’ve been paid!


Does anything ever go smoothly with Universal Credit? :thinking:

Shouldn’t have a problem


I get my pay into my Monzo account. I’m self-employed now so its a transfer from my business account (with Natwest) but it’s fine, money comes instantly, before I’ve closed the Natwest app. I previously worked for a large multi-national company and they had no problem getting my salary paid to me. Best thing was waking up to see the notification the instant my salary came in. A few times I’d be awake at 2am and see it pop up which was a great feeling. Every bank I used in the past deposited money at random times, and there were times when I’d be constantly refreshing from midnight until 5am to see when money showed up.

I can’t think of any disadvantages to be honest! The only thing which is a pain is not being able to deposit cash, but I kept my old RBS account open just for this, which isn’t a problem for me.


I am mainly going to be using it to get paid by universal credit…so wanted to hear if any one gets paid their universal credit into monzo

I have had past 8 payment paid into llyods and been no problem in the past

I’ve seen people getting other benefits paid in so it’s fine


I have read few review on trust pilot where people’s account are blocked and are not given access to their funds etc…so a bit worried in that sence

Accounts are blocked if they trigger anti money laundering or fraud checks. It is the same procedure for all banks. Wages and benefits are legal and traceable so there is no reason why this would happen


My notification is on in the app…but does not make the noise for some reason.i just tried transferring money in and out…does not make the noise

I was with Lloyds and have never looked back.

Wages come in just after midnight for me and on the odd occasion I have still been awake, the sound of the app when funds are deposited makes for a lovely surprise. KERCHING

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What phone are you using? Have you checked your settings and that the volume is up/not on silent mode?

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I’ve never heard this mystical notification sound, on Android.

I’ve even tried turning my volume up to full. Notifications and sounds on. Never had it.

I got it sorted just now…had to go to battery setting and select monzo to not optimised…now I can hear the sound


Just after midnight…cool…some one else was saying here that they get theirs at 1am with monzo

Wait? Did we just discover a bug?

Every other app of mine is optimised and still manages to make notification sounds.

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Ah, OK.

I would argue that that’s a bit of a cop out though, as it’s all the time and not just when my battery is low.
Also, every other app manages to have it’s notifications work, even when my battery is low.

Unless it’s due to the priority setting. I might try setting it to urgent (but still optimised) and see what happens.

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That’s what I just did…now I tried moving money in and out and makes the noise

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The Trust Pilot reviews are by a small number of users who have been kicked off of Monzo for whatever reason (doing dodgy stuff with accounts, which would get you kicked off any banking platform) and are very vocal about it. If you visit the forums often enough, you’ll see them start threads repeatedly. Monzo staff obviously can’t talk about why accounts are closed but people like to cause trouble. The very vast majority of people don’t have any problems.