Starling Passes

Because maybe they want to try both products and decide whether they prefer Monzo, Starling, or something else?

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Which would be fine, but when that poster has said they’ll be coming back to Monzo it seems a bit of a waste if efforts.

I don’t know if either of them have joined or will be joining the current account switch thing. But if they do it’s incredibly easy. Even if not it’s not a huge amount of work.

It could be six months or more for some people to get a Monzo current account. I think people could do worwe than try out alternatives in the meantime.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Starling Feedback

If anyone has a free code, please let me know xD

Would really love a free pass if there are any others floating about :slight_smile: Thank you!

There is no time-scale on when I will be my Monzo account. I order my pre-pay card today. With the uncertainty I have to look at an interim option. Sticking with my current bank for 6 months is not something I am willing to to.


That’s fair enough. Enjoy Monzo and enjoy Starling :slight_smile:


Yes Please would love to

Anyone has a spare Starling pass? I would love to check them out!

Who can send me a passcode? Please

Is there anyone who can send me a passcode too please? Trying to get a starling account to try out the API got a couple of ideas for workflow based logic to perform automated savings, should easily transfer back to monzo or any other bank that runs a similar sort of api setup.

Nice one. Thanks for this!

9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Starling Feedback

Would be interested in a Starling Pass if possible also! :slight_smile:

Anyone got a starling pass going free?

Count me in too if anyone has a spare starling pass :slight_smile:

Please can someone send me passcode

Hey, if anyone has any more passes I’d love to get one. Thanks!

Anyone got a free pass for Starling, just want to compare