Simple Questions Thread (Newbie Friendly 🙂)

from Transferwise
“You can’t receive payments from outside the UK, or in currencies other than GBP to your GBP bank details. If someone sends you GBP from a bank account located outside the UK, it will be returned to their account.”
Can you generate an IBAN from your Monzo account and successfully get the money transferred, Monzo Help is very non-committal on this

You need the transferwise borderless account possibly. Thought it worked with normal tho but probably not if that’s what they’ve said

If it’s a Euro payment then it will probably be fine, but it’s not guaranteed. Safer to use the transferwise route

AFAIU, all Transfwerwise accounts are borderless and my previous comment still stand. The transferwise account would allow me to be paid in GBP from the UK if I were living abroad let’s say, but not being paid in GBP from abroad living in the UK.

Sorry. I missed the bit where you said you were receiving GBP. I’d assumed you were receiving foreign funds.

How do i get my card unblocked?

In what way is it blocked? If it has been frozen then you can do this in-app. If it has been blocked by Monzo then you need to speak to them.

Can you please tell me how to increase my limits.
no-one is responding on the app chat

You need to speak to Monzo. How long have you waited on the chat? They take a while to respond due to Covid (and just generally)

If really urgent you can try calling the number on the back of your card

Hey everyone,

I’m facing the issue of “we’re verifying your information” from last last 2 days.
Any help would be highly appreciated.


Sometimes it takes a while if they have to do additional checks. 2 days isn’t long. Just be patient a lttile longer and I’m sure they’ll get back to you soon :slight_smile:

Sure @Ordog thanks for the updates

Hi , I have upgraged to the Monzo Plus card 
 and all is well in the world
 however how do add another account from anaother bank to my app 
 I already have one , need to add another

Hi @dinotessaro & welcome :wave:

From the Monzo app Home display, tap on the ‘Plus’ icon at the bottom, then tap on ‘Other accounts, in Monzo’, then select the bank you wish to add from the displayed list of currently supported banks:

American Express
Bank of Scotland
Capital One
First Direct
Lloyds Bank

You’ll then go through the process of linking the external bank account to your Monzo account using the Open Banking protocol.

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Brillant thanks 

Hi can my friend who lives in portugal owes me some money, can he pay it into my monzo account

He can, but if he is sending Euros from a Portuguese account, it’s advisable to use a service like Transferwise. Incoming foreign transfers aren’t officially supported by Monzo.

What is transferwise please

It’s a service which transfers money from bank accounts in one country to accounts in other countries. They claim to be cheaper than banks. They are at

Ahh i see. Thankyou for this

I’m trying to set up an account but it’s saying my phone number is being used. I think this is from when i’ve tried to sign up previously. How can i get around this?