Simple Questions Thread (Newbie Friendly 🙂)

You can’t. Only one type of each account per person

Hi, I’d someone to add something to a closed thread: Merchants & Banks Who Don’t Yet Recognise the Monzo Current Account Sort Code / Debit Card (open Wiki) (Merchants & Banks Who Don't Yet Recognise the Monzo Current Account Sort Code / Debit Card (open Wiki))

What I’d like to add:

  • Teignbridge District Council: Direct debit fails
  • Victory Services Club, London: Refuse to process Monzo direct debit payments due to previous failures

That post is a wiki so you can edit it to add that info :raised_hands:

Thanks for the superbly fast response! I’m new here and being dappy. The thread is closed to new replies and I cannot see any link or sub-page to edit the Wiki. I’ve googled the thread title and Wiki but that brings up no page, other than the thread.

What link/button should I be selecting to edit the Wiki? :slight_smile:

You need to get to trust level 1 to edit the wiki

If you read a few more topics you’ll be promoted

Might be better to report those merchants in app, not sure staff look at the wiki anymore



So I just updated my bank details to my Monzo account with my employer. The payslip says I am paid by BACS although I have a sneaky suspicion I could be paid by faster payments due to someone else changing their bank details the day before they are due to be paid and then getting paid into their new account. I thought BACS worked on a day by day cycle?

BACS is a 3 day cycle.

It could be they cancelled the BACS and paid your colleague that month by faster payments

Ah okay maybe. So I should see the notification for getting paid early at 4pm tomorrow if I am due to be paid on the 28th?

You’ll see the greyed-out transaction in your feed tomorrow morning (it’ll show it as ‘due tomorrow’). If you tap on it, you’ll see the information to return at 4pm and claim it early. Set a reminder for 4pm…

At 4pm, tap on the transaction and the information to return will have changed to ‘claim early’ - tap on it and you’ll have the pull-down animation - drag the money to the wallet and experience one of the best feelings ever delivered by a mobile app :smiley:

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It could also be outdated terminology. A lot of organisations use “BACS” to mean “bank transfer”. Before Faster Payments, BACS was the only game in town for general purpose bank-to-bank transfers.


I was trying to give the OP hope that perhaps they could get it early


Thanks everyone - time will tell tomorrow what I am paid by :slightly_smiling_face:

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You should get a greyed out notification by about 9am if it is BACS


No notification so I must be paid by Faster Payments!


When you type something in these forums how do you quote part of someone else’s previous post?

On mobile , highlight the words you want to quote (as you want to copy and paste) and a grey quote option pops up, tap that.

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same on desktop too :slight_smile:

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Hi just opening my account, did the recording set my uk address then did a copy of my Spanish driveling license, all ok, then where do you want your card to be sent to, Oh no, it would not accept my Spanish post code all blocked.
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