🔜 Salary Sorter

Now I understand what this feature is and how it’s supposed to work, it looks great. Will mean I’ll be able to delete 100% of my recurring pot transfers :rofl:


If it could start working before 4PM tomorrow, that would be super!

Don’t know if it’s in the realm of possibility but… Can the date of sorting be delayed? Much like people like their summary starting from specific dates, I like all my account transfers to do the same - but always on the 1st. (When I’m paid on the 25th).


Interesting system, feels unlikely if I’m honest

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Do what I’m hoping to be able to do, salary sort entire salary into a holding pot on salary coming in, make automated pot transfer into main account on the 1st, salary sort that transfer into pots. @JarnoWolf would this be possible?


You’d not be able to sort the return pot transfer.
What you could do is sort into your pots + a holding pot for spending on payday. Then just schedule this one out on your chosen day

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That’s a shame. I guess the problem will be the whole reason I’m working out this workaround, I get paid last Friday of the month now so this date will fluctuate quite a bit meaning the salary sorter might not pick it up very well for remembering the sort

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I think last friday should be guessable enough, as long as the merchant and amount etc. are the same. Will confirm though

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Thanks, would be fantastic if so! And thanks for all the evening replies on here about it, much appreciated

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@JarnoWolf I recently had an inbound transfer and Monzo picked it up as salary and marked off the salary achievement - despite my salary already being with Monzo for sometime.

Should I be reporting this as a bug to improve the salary detector for the salary sorter?


No need to report that, we’re aware it’s not great at the moment (and we’d use a different system to the achievement system anyway)


Will this have any implications for IFTTT triggers?

This is definitely a big step in the right direction but we defiantly also need the ability to change where subscription payments are taken from. Right now my Netflix and Apple Music payments are unable to be taken from pots, only from the main balance :cry:

This is frustrating but not an easy task to solve, probably best to keep chat in the Bills Pots thread but I wrote a reply on it here Monzo Labs: Bills Pots 🍯

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This really depends on your triggers. The mechanism for this is the same as regular pot transfers just orchestrated from one handy screen and triggered by a credit to your account. Have a play around once it gets to your app and rejig if needs be would be my advice

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Any chance one of the actions could be to put a % away into a particular pot?

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See this earlier reply:


You’ll always be confirming the sorted amounts before making any movements so you’ll be able to make changes before giving it the go ahead

I’d much rather have the option of making it completely automated - if a pot transfer happens that I didn’t want, I can easily reverse it anyway, so it’s not a particularly risky thing to have automated.


Edit: 🔜 Salary Sorter

Could we have an option to swap between absolute values and percentages? e.g. I’d like to put £200 aside for Petrol pot a month but 10% of my salary into savings?


Okay a different question then! Would this take precedence over other payments? For example, my salary comes into my account at the same time as my rent, car insurance, contents insurance, leave my account. So when I tried to do a scheduled payment into a bills pot, the outgoings went out BEFORE my money moved to a bills pot - leaving me “overdrawn” in my main balance.

Would this also apply if I choose to get paid early?

If you choose to get paid early (with a known BACS payment), then;

  • If Salary Sorter has not yet run, it should give you the chance to allocate funds from the payment to accounts/pots - which will have a time-buffer before any D/D’s get paid (you collect at 4pm and D/D’s generally leave at 3am the next day)
  • If Salary Sorter has already been configured to do the same with this specific incoming receipt, it’ll still have a time-buffer before any D/D’s get paid (you collect at 4pm and D/D’s generally leave at 3am the next day)