Redesigned Payment Screen (Early Preview) 👀

Yes, it is all over the place. I think they need to go back to the drawing board and revise it.


Personally I find an alphabetical list easier to navigate than a grid layout. For a list your eyes only have to travel downwards, while on a grid layout your eyes need to move left-to-right then down one then left-to-right etc…

An alphabetical list with separators for each letter and a navigation bar like the ones found in phone contact apps (see below) would be the best option.

NB: clicking any of the letters would scroll the list down to that letter.

Starling have switched their Payee screen from a grid to a list recently - it looks a lot better because I don’t bother with payee pictures and there’s more of them visible on the screen now. Works a lot better.

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Just wanted to address some more feedback:

Too many lists
Many of you think there are too many lists and this makes the screen feel cluttered. What I’m mainly hearing is that “Contacts on Monzo” and “All” should be the same thing. I think all of us agree so we’ll change that.

Personally I don’t scroll down this page to find people as the search bar much more convenient, but having everyone listed makes it easier to discover that you can pay people in your contacts, especially for users new to Monzo. So the design is a balance between these two factors.

Frequent and Recent are too similar
I mentioned this above: I understand that having the same face multiple times is not great, but the purpose of these two lists is that they tend to capture almost everyone you care about paying which I don’t think they do on their own. I reckon it’s worse to not find who you’re looking for at a glance than to have the same people listed more than once. Maybe we could de-dupe these lists… Will have to see how that feels in real usage.

Payee management is missing
We’re aware that we’re missing some features like adding, merging, or otherwise managing payees. Also the difference between a “Contact on Monzo” and a “Payee” is not entirely clear and it’s an unfortunate dilemma; we don’t necessarily want everyone in your contacts to be a “payee”, but then again a lot of what makes Monzo magic comes from seeing your friends on there straight away and the understanding that you can pay people with two taps. We’re definitely looking to make improvements here in the next iterations.


Thanks for taking the feedback onboard… look forward to seeing further iterations!

Does this mean that adding pictures to payees is something that will be looked at?


Heres my recent list


One version of me gives me the option of my nationwide account or rbs account. The other version of me goes to this


Where is this sending money to?



Is the “request” part of the new payments tab on joint accounts going to be addressed?

Currently it lists all categories of your payees, and clicking any of them loads your personal accounts monzo me link. Which is completely incorrect behaviour.


Another thing I was wondering will the option to just add a payee without having to send money be sorted out as it’s a bit irritating having to send money just to add a person.


I think people would be happier having both a “Frequent” and a “Recent” section if both sections scrolled horizontally (like the “Frequent” section does currently on iOS). This would save loads of space and allow users to find the payees they want much faster.


Frequent section scrolls horizontally on Android as well

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Hopefully it’s brought to iOS too.

Out of interest do the “Recent” and “Frequent” sections you get when you click “Pay” or “Request” also scroll horizontally?

On Android:

Frequent - horizontal

Recent - vertical

All contacts - vertical

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That’s what you get on iOS.

However, if you click “Pay” or “Request”, the “Recent” & “Frequent” sections are vertical lists which take up a lot of space - would be better if all the “Recent” & “Frequent” lists scrolled horizontally imo.

Sorry, I might have misread your earlier question

My three points above were for the main Payment screen in Android

If you click on Pay or Receive, which I had not had to do before, it is all vertical

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For myself, I’d just prefer ‘Pay’, ‘Request’ and ‘frequent’, but as a grid

In the ‘Pay’ and ‘Request’ just display all contacts vertically.

There is problem having ‘Frequent’ horizontally, I’ve had people send me money who put their name as either initials ie ‘D Mills’ or ‘Miss Mills’.

Now looking at it horizontally you can’t tell who the payee is as there is not enough room. See image


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On iOS you get first and last initials:

  • First and last initials for Monzo contacts without a profile picture (Android only shows first initial which makes it difficult to tell Monzo contacts apart when they don’t have profile pictures).

(quote from the Android-iOS Parity Wiki)

I think first and last initials along with the ability to edit the names for payee contacts would solve this issue.


The “Contacts on Monzo” and “All” lists are merged in the latest iOS TestFlight.

Although, you still cannot add additional bank details to any of your Monzo contacts without sending them a payment first.


No merging yet (I’ve got the same person listed multiple times in the All list), no profile pictures allowed either. Plus the Home feed doesn’t show the nice display name that the Payment screen does e.g. ‘Joe Bloggs’ instead it’s ‘BLOGGS J CP’. Be good if that was tidied up along with profile pics. Loads more to do!


I just removed a shared tab & settled a really old bill split which was paid outside of the request :yum: and now I can see what the blanked shared page looks like :eyes:

This is where those graphics I found in a recent teardown live :ok_hand: (


Screenshot_20190407-142932 Screenshot_20190407-142927


So with 2.42.0 out on iOS now, the Monzo contacts are now merged with All Contacts :grinning::+1:

Now can we have a way to delete the Monzo contacts who I will never be sending money to, just like we can delete other payees? :blush: