Monzo response time issues

for your guys’ information yes i do know that i was stupid and gullable and i did learn my lesson so there, no need to repeat that about me because i know and everyone else knows that :slight_smile:


Try Monese for your new account. They don’t do as many checks as it’s a more limited account.

I’m sure if you google you’ll find lots of suggestions for people with your history.

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OP said Monese don’t offer under-18 accounts. So unfortunately OP might be out of luck unless a high street bank offer them one of their basic accounts

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Banks have up to 8 weeks to give a final response to a formal complaint.

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really? the support agent told me 15 days, i guess ill just wait. and yeah monese is 18+ which is gutting

Actually - you’re right there is a 15 day time frame. But there is also an 8 week time frame which probably comes into play under certain circumstances (although I’m not sure what they are)

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thanks for the website ill definitely have a read, ive read the financial ombudsman explanation which is good but ill still have a look at both of these

It seems that 15 days for payment services related complaints and 8 weeks for other stuff

For most complaints about payment services, you have 15 days to resolve the complaint. In exceptional circumstances, you have up to 35 days, but you’ll still need to respond within 15 days to tell the customer when you’ll reply fully.

FOS will then take their sweet time before siding with the bank - most responses tend to be “as you can choose who you bank with, so can they”


has anyone heard of any stories of under 18s getting a cifas marker removed?

The only way you can get it removed is if you were innocent.

I’d start here and find out what type of marker you have and then look at options from there:


well i deffinitely wasnt innocent because i gave my account away right? and ive done a sar request and this is what santander put on my file

I’m not sure as I don’t know all the details. As far as I’m aware you dispute it with Santander (in your case) if you believe it was wrong for them to apply this marker and it escalates from there. This is the only way for it to be removed, otherwise wait 6 years for it to expire.

Seems to be some good advice in here:


i think monzo is the only app-based bank that caters to under 18’s which is a bummer :frowning: ive seen thinks floating around on google saying that i might be able to open the most basic of basics basic account at some banks but im not sure thats ture.

From what a thread on this subject said the other day, there’s a “current account” at most banks and then a “basic account” below that, for people like yourself who struggle to get a normal account.

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I think the original question has been answered here and some useful links have been provided.