they do have 15 days to give me a final response letter which i agree with and thats fine thats not what my issue is with. and i consider them to be good in their own ways. Simple, quick and safer are just some works i can use to describe them but everyone has letdowns what can ya do? as im already here does anyone know of any “app based” banks for under 18’s prefferably fee-free
Wasn’t your issue that the response time slowed and as someone clarified above it’s because it goes to a specialist team?
Im just replying to your title of the post , I think its pretty good
“as im already here does anyone know of any “app based” banks for under 18’s prefferably fee-free” …with a cifas marker ? hmmmm not many that I can think of have you tried Starling ?
So there is no issue now then?
Problem solved?
i have gotten all answers i needed, but does anyone know any other app-based apps that accept under 18’s would be much appreciated. i dont expect any investors to reply to this but any one else please
So you think you’ve done absolutely nothing wrong since opening your Monzo account? Nothing they could look at and think it’s fraudulent?
Im an investor and Ive just replied to that …Starling …
you’re not reading replies before firing off another dig "i dont expect any investors to reply "
I’m assuming you’ve looked at Starling, and Revolut etc?
absolutely nothing wrong honest to god
ive looked at revolut (doesnt offer under 18 service) ive looked at starling and they have denied me
There must be something because as you mentioned plenty of other people with CIFAs markers open accounts and have no issues. In fact someone created a topic about this yesterday.
Let’s not go down that route though as you’re not going to share personal details to uncover the cause and we don’t know what Monzo eligibility criteria is. Just be careful not to repeat it when you move to your next bank.
are you able to share the link to that topic please
Good that Monzo gave you a chance then really when others won’t even entertain you , and all they get back is "disgust "
if you put it that way… i appreciate the hell out of what they did for me but thats like giving a homeless man a 4 course meal and then saying no you cant have it
well for your side of the story , yes , Monzo I think are more than fair to most people probably to their detriment , I really cant see why they would go to the trouble and expense of giving you a second chance financially , to then whip it away for no reason . just wasted effort and money on their part …who knows though , it could have just been a mistake on their part , the Ombudsman will decide when you go … let us know the outcome …
Or you give a homeless man a second chance on the promise that they stay on the straight and narrow but they didn’t.
You agreed to the T&Cs and you broke them which is why your account was closed.
wow i didnt expect that. that was well um a good reply. Im going to stop wasting your time and leave this here. I really appreciate all your help and replies they gave me alot of informationa dn a different view on my issues. I hope all of you have a nice day and stay safe
You’re not wasting anyones time we’re just hopefully helping by clarifying why it’s not as black and white as it may seem.
Good luck with finding a new bank, hopefully you get sorted soon
im not being picky, and yes i was stupid and gullable but can you really blame a 15 year old for wanting money??? santander opens accounts for under 16s and the kid doesnt even need to go into branch to open the account thats just begging to be exploited by fraudsters. back to the accounts can someone tell me what an e-account is? I forgot to add that i am under 18 so most mainstream app-based banks like monese and revolut dont offer accounts for under 18’s