Monzo on multiple devices

Just posting a message on behalf of my Dad.
He’s recently got an iPhone and has downloaded his Monzo app onto there. Every time he signs into the iPhone, it logs him out of the iPad.

He had a Galaxy S10 before the iPhone and it worked okay with that set up.
Is there anything we can do to stop this happening?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Nope. You can have iOS and Android at the same time but not 2 iOS or 2 android


I did think that might be the case.
Thanks for the quick reply :slight_smile:

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I’m having a similar problem I just have transferred everything to another iOS device and I’m logged out of both and can’t sign in because it says “phone number already in use”

Because you’re not asking to login you’re setting up a new account.

Hey There,

Please make sure you’re clicking “I have an account” not, “Im new to Monzo”.

When clicking the first option it asks for your email not your mobile number to log in.