Monzo help chat getting annoying

Odd metric to use. That could be 20% more people simply giving up.


More likely 20% picking the option that it answered their question


I didn’t say anything about likelihood. I said there are much better metrics if you want to learn whether you’ve helped your customers.

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Or 20% more people being deceived into thinking their message went through. I recently had to send in another query and the time lag between sending my question and getting the automated response prodding for further questions was insane, I’d have easily closed the app and put my phone away in the time that it took for the automated question to arrive. Guess it means it reduced their inbound chat, and they’re happy about that though :man_shrugging:


@zain you can’t really blame the app for that.

Err, yes I can. An automated message shouldn’t take 10 seconds to pop up and deceive me into thinking my message has gone through. It’s an automated message, it should pop up immediately.

Are you advocating that people should do nothing with their lives but stay on the chat message screen for hours/days, without ever leaving the app, till their issue has been resolved? People will go to any lengths to defend Monzo… :roll_eyes:


I didn’t say this was the only metric. Monzo Helper allows people to note that they are happy with the result received and that they don’t require human escalation.

Not sure how we’ll get to a stage where a server can decipher your message, search through a bank of questions with keywords and come back to you with a reply (not factoring in your cell service, complexity, server loads and typo’s) immediately

10 seconds is a lot quicker than any other bank out there - we should be grateful we’re able to have problems answered quickly rather than having to call and wait in a queue with awful music.

Do any other banks offer this immediate service on auto responders that actually answer questions?

Ps: I just tested a random question and got a reply (automated) in 6 seconds on 4g.

How did things happen before apps and mobile based banking? You’d call up and log a problem. Computers don’t log issues for you on Monzo as it’s not a concierge banking system.

I love the chat on monzo. The other day I spent 2 hours on the phone with one of my other banks and they just sounded like robots. At least with monzo it’s relaxed and can simply the problems

Update : Tomi @ Monzo replied to my request even though I didn’t select an option from the automated responder!


Not sure how we’ll get to a stage where a server can decipher your message, search through a bank of questions with keywords and come back to you with a reply (not factoring in your cell service, complexity, server loads and typo’s) immediately

It doesn’t have to be done on a server. You can do that perfectly well client-side. In any case, in my experience, it’s far too long, even if it’s done on a server. Other services I use that query similar things server-side are able to return results significantly quicker, as are services that I’ve built myself, all ranging from several magnitudes of demand and complexity higher and lower than Monzo’s.

10 seconds is a lot quicker than any other bank out there - we should be grateful we’re able to have problems answered quickly rather than having to call and wait in a queue with awful music.

I guess we’ve had very different CS experiences, Monzo’s service is nowhere near the definition of ‘quickly’ in my experience, having had almost all of my queries take upwards of a day to resolve. Every other bank I’ve ever used has had faster (and less frustrating) support times and experiences than that.

Update : Tomi @ Monzo replied to my request even though I didn’t select an option from the automated responder!

This, on the other hand - is great. Glad to know that answering and clicking through the (useless, for me) automated message options isn’t necessary to receive a reply. That said, the fact that that happens isn’t made clear or communicated to us.

Yes it’s not the fastest - but a dam well more consistent than other banks (but yes faster response would be good - not denying that. In terms of automated message server side or client side it still depends on your device as well - but alas that’s a conversation for another time)

I have used quite a few different banks not only in this country but in two others as well - some spanning across the 3 •cough• HSBC •cough• and yes their service from time to time is faster (call centres usually - their email/chat is still not the best - and that’s with HSBC, Lloyds, Amex and Westpac [NZ]) however unless its a paying service like Amex, the representatives are very hit in miss in not only their accuracy but the willingness to help and even when its a paid service [Lloyds] it can still be awful more often than not.

This is where so far (in my experience) Monzo’s representatives have been helpful and actually pass you onto the relevant team who talk back to you or at least get the answer.

So saying Monzo is “nowhere near” is a bit of s stretch, but hey, if you’re saying you’ve made things that are faster then maybe apply for a jobfor our sake to improve it :rofl::man_shrugging:t2:

What happens? That the COp can pick up a chat quicker if they’re availible?

No, that you can ignore clicking through the automated questions/options and still get a response.

Well the automated response is there to help guide people if they need it - like if you ignored a info desk at a museum which is right by the front and you walked straight to the exhibit you want to go to.

The fact that the message has a ‘I want to talk to a live human’ button at the end of the flow would suggest otherwise, at least with every other service I’ve used.

Surprise and delight - you got the help you needed. File an enhancement request here or via TestFlight if you think it needs to be improved (and again form my post above I agree the speed needs to be improved and they say they are doing it)

Out of curiosity since you keep mentioning “other servers” you’ve used - which services are you referring to ?

Anything that uses Intercom, tbh - from apps to websites. Freetrade for example, use Intercom, their automated messages are instant, there is a single tap to get to a human (instead of clicking through multiple buttons like Monzo) and replies are fast. Same goes for websites that embed an Intercom chat, so stickermule for example.

Monzo moved away from a 3rd party chat provider to bring it in house. It wasn’t that long ago either so I don’t think moving back will be an option for them.

If you’re not happy with your experience then that’s perfectly fine. However, none of us can comment on the backend of Monzo or any other systems for that matter, so let’s not go down that route.

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What @Ordog said ^

But also the examples you gave weren’t banks :eyes: