(Terry Adams)
11 September 2020 07:32
Put £75 in my Monzo yesterday and today it’s gone down by £1.60?
I have asked in chat and am waiting on a reply
Could it be a fee because last week I had no money in the account and Currys tried taking £2.50 as they usually do. So some sort of charge perhaps ?
11 September 2020 07:34
It doesn’t just “go down”
Were you overdrawn before you put that money in? Has there been a transaction since you put the money in?
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As has been said, your balance won’t just “go down”.
If you export a statement you should be able to see exactly what has happened.
(Press ‘Help’ search ‘Contact us’ or email or call 0800 802 1281)
11 September 2020 07:42
We can’t see your account transactions. Monzo can. They will explain.
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(Terry Adams)
11 September 2020 07:48
It’s a recurring payment for protective cover for my switch
I don’t have an over draft .
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Is there any charge or anything after the 75 went in?
Any items what so ever that are black not green since the 75?
As people have said, reach out to chat. Go to the ? At the bottom of the app, then type contact us in the search bar and you should find a contact us. Let us know what Monzo say
(Terry Adams)
11 September 2020 08:04
Money went in last night . This morning it went down. No transaction has taken place
((╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
11 September 2020 08:11
You should know this by now… There’s nothing we can do on here because we don’t have access to your account.
11 September 2020 08:11
Have you looked at your statement? What does it say?
There is no way your account just “went down” and there will be a logical reason.
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(Terry Adams)
11 September 2020 08:18
Yes £75 went in last night and this morning it was £73.40
I’m waiting for a reply off chat
(Daz Fisher)
11 September 2020 08:21
so it’s reduced by £1.60 not £1.40 then
(Terry Adams)
11 September 2020 08:25
yes £1.60. sorry it was a typo .
Either way money came out of my account overnight or so it seems
£75.00 last night and this morning £73.40
Please let us know what the chat says, as that seems very strange.
Are you able to show a screenshot, with any details blacked out? As it should show 75 yesterday and the balance being different today
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(Terry Adams)
11 September 2020 08:36
I went shopping it came to £11.86.
£75.00 went Into my account yesterday which means the balance should be about £63
Yes, if it was 0 when you transferred the 75 in, then it does look like it should be higher. Very strange, hopefully, Monzo will be able to explain
The only thing I could suggest is that you have got an overdraft enabled (and didn’t notice you have) and you dipped into for the 10 transactions and transferred the 75 in before you noticed
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(Terry Adams)
11 September 2020 08:42
Only thing I can think it’s a charge from the bounced transaction last week . Yes hopefully Monzo can explain
(Award Winning Hot Coral Analyst)
11 September 2020 08:42
Tap on ‘Payments’ then tap on ‘Home’ - this can force refresh the feed - and could display a transaction which hasn’t been shown so far.
Oh I could be things like tfl, buses or pay at pump petrol, which usually doesn’t settle till a few days later. Any of those in the last week?
Could be the transaction you suggested as well