I’ve contacted a merchant that I’ve had a direct debit with to make sure payment was made as it was late. I’ve had my account 2 weeks but changed my details with them straight away. The merchant says my direct debit was paid yesterday at 09:56. I rang Monzo as nothing is showing on my payments and also no money has left my account. She said on the phone that she has no idea where the money has come from to pay this. It couldn’t have come from my old account as it is closed. I have to wait for up to 8 hours on the chat and nothing so far. Has this happened to anyone else?
Hi. Welcome.
Is it definitely a direct debit? That seems a strange time for it to go.
I’m not sure what difference it makes, but could it be a CPA (continued payment authority)? Some places call it direct debit for ease.
Do you mind saying who the merchant is for?
Did you do a CASS switch to Monzo or moved things yourself?
Yes it’s a direct debit under my scheduled payments tab. It was due to be taken on the 14th but was only taken yesterday for some reason. It’s with So Sure for mobile phone insurance. They got back to me since I wrote this and said they took the payment from my Monzo account so I have no idea why it’s not showing or no money taken yet. I did the CASS but everyone I had direct debits with or any sort of details told me to still give them my new details.
Hi Jayne & welcome
Your issue sounds very strange. If Monzo is your only active account and the Merchant has previously been informed that your Monzo account sort code/account is where to take the money from, then the money won’t be taken from anywhere else.
Let’s establish if the Subscription/Standing Order/Direct Debit has been set-up in Monzo:
In the app, tap on ‘Home’, then ‘Payments’ then ‘Scheduled’.
Does the payment appear in the ‘Scheduled payments & standing orders’ section at the top or the ‘Subscriptions & Direct Debits’ section underneath? If it appears in the ‘Subscriptions & Direct Debits’ section, tap on the scheduled transaction - what do you see at the top of the transaction details?:
- If it shows ‘You can’t pay this from a pot’ at the top, it is a subscription/CPA not a Direct Debit
- If it shows 'Cancel Direct Debit at the top and possibly ‘Set Payment from a Pot’ underneath, it is a Direct Debit
Hopefully now we’ll know it has been set-up and what type it is. Then… just to be sure… did you install the Monzo app from the App/Play Store or did it become installed as part of a app/data restore after changing devices?
I’m suspecting the scheduled payment isn’t set-up in Monzo properly or a problem with your app not refreshing properly or that the merchant has given incorrect information. Possibly 1,2 or all of these.
So I did end up moving most of them myself anyway because each individual merchant told me too even though I said I was doing it through CASS. So all my direct debits are also showing up twice on my scheduled payments.
Hi judging from your instructions, it is underneath subscriptions and direct debits. When I click on it it says cancel direct debit at top and set payment from a pot underneath. I installed the Monzo app myself through the App Store.
That’s easy to resolve.
For each direct debit do the following:
Wait until a week has passed the expected date it was due. Then look at the dates underneath each direct debit and you’ll see when it is due next. The ones that don’t have a date underneath or haven’t updated are safe to delete.
Similar happened with mine and this is what Monzo advised.
You could also go into each of the duplicated scheduled payments and check they have the same transaction Reference at the bottom. If they do, it’s OK to delete one of them (preferably the CASS’d one), leaving only one in the list. If one of the duplications has a blank reference, delete that one.
Hi great thanks. I’ve only had the account 2 weeks. So this would be the first time a direct debit has come out. The merchant says they took the money yesterday so I will wait until Monday as that would have been a week to see if any dates pop up on it as none of them do yet as no direct debits have been taken or in this case, properly.
Great that will hopefully help me next week! Just hope this one finally shows up on my transactions as the merchant has the payment and it’s my only account now so hopefully it’s normal.
What was the official CASS switch date?
Just looked both of them have reference numbers that are different but none are blank do I need to wait at least a week?
It was 19th November
In that case I’d wait as @Ordog has suggested above.
Okay but what would you say about how the merchant has the money but no transaction or payment is showing and been taken from my account yet? Can it take a few days to appear or should it appear instantly? They got back to me and the last 4 digits of the account and sort code are correct so don’t see why it’s not showing and money hasnt been take
Tap on the Direct Debit entry for the payment to the merchant (in Payments/Scheduled), check if there is a ‘Last paid’ section at the bottom of the Direct Debit details. You may have to try this on both of the entries as you have duplicated D/D’s at the moment. Do any of them show a date when it was ‘Last paid’?
No none of them show that
Maybe a good time to start from scratch:- uninstall the Monzo app, restart your phone, download & install the Monzo app, login to the Monzo app - check the feed for the payment going out.
Also, using your phone’s browser (not the Monzo app), go to web.monzo.com and log in to the web portal. The web portal shows limited account details including the balance and the details of the last 50 transactions during the last 90 days. Is the missing Direct Debit payment showing in the web display?
Don’t forget to log out of the web portal once done - and delete any ‘magic link’ emails that Monzo sent to you via email to allow you to login to the app and/or the web portal.
It’s not showing anything different in the browser version I’m worried sick I feel relieved on one side because the phone insurance has my payment I just don’t know why the transaction isn’t showing yet and the money hasn’t been taken yet I honestly don’t know what to do
Try not to worry. It’s not a huge amount and it’s not for something like your mortgage. So in the grand scheme of things, it’s down the list of your key big payments.
The merchant has the money, that’s the main thing. They are happy and aren’t going to start chasing you with a big stick.
I would say hold tight for a few days and see what appears on your account. When is your next DD due?
Okay fab I will do that, if they have the money I’m sure it’s fine and when they confirmed my account number and sort code it was correct so I’m guessing maybe it’s pending? Hopefully will come out overnight tonight or something. Next one is due 14th December they told me on live chat but no date showing on direct debit yet as obviously this one being my first with Monzo hasn’t yet left the account even though they have the money