Merchant logos only Twitter? Local too?

I don’t think ease is the problem. It’s the lack of any feedback (was it rejected for some reason? Is it sitting in a queue? Is it running on a First In Last Out policy? Was it deleted as a merchant nobody apart from me will ever use?)


Yeah I’ve put a few in over the last month or so and only one has had it’s logo added

Major downfall is the Selecta vending machine logo has now been changed to a John Lewis logo!

I thought they were meant to actually check before just accepting a logo for a merchant


Yeah, looks like, once again, none of mine are getting approved. Am I blacklisted for all my merchants being in the North or something? :rofl:

Resubmitted a few just now after a month or so of no change.


I had an HP payment and logo change to Morgan Stanley, for reasons I don’t at all understand!

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For such a visible feature I’m surprised its not higher up in the list or just well planned for scalability in the first place


Same here!


I’ve submitted some 3 or 4 times and still not changed! NAHT union is an example. 3 times I’ve submitted twitter logo but still shows blank!

Do requests drop off? Things I submitted months back still haven’t changed.

Just try resubmitting :blush:

I sent a logo in yesterday and they fixed it within a few hrs :tada::see_no_evil:

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I resubmit every couple of weeks lol

Just sent the same logo in for the third time :crossed_fingers:t4:


What’s the policy on something like HMShost, which runs all the catering at some airports and shows up as the merchant string for all the food outlets?

Last time I passed through Schiphol, everything showed up as Amsterdam Bread Company, this time everything showed as HMShost. But the merchant string includes the airport name, so it seems like just listing Amsterdam Airport Schiphol would be the most user friendly option.

I don’t know what crazy logic they have in their backend. I bought something from a ValueMall store (Japanese website) and their transaction string says “E STORE TOKYO JPN” and so Monzo decided this should be “E Store” (understandable) but the logo is the Plymouth University one???


No Twitter account, so I submitted a change of name request, and started a conversation and asked for the logo to be removed…12 hours ago…


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None of the merchants I’ve requested (maybe 8-10) have been resolved with address and/or logo. Does anyone have any tips to get this done? Ta

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No, it’s a purely manual process at the moment so short of chasing staff around (which I don’t think is fair) there’s not a lot that can be done.


If you message the changes to customer support, they usually change it pretty quick.

Thanks for the advice. Seems weird to bother customer services with this though. I think I’ll just pass and wait until they implement a better/easier option


I’ve only bothered customer serviceswith a Wetherspoons location (they bailed on social media so there’s no Twitter account to send to Monzo) or when it’s completely wrong and no Twitter account to fix it.

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I guess that Monzo is ultra busy right now but I sent few new logos and new name nearly a week ago and they haven’t changed yet. Etsy now changed to “Go Fund Me” too, weird.
I said this in the past but it would be great if you select a number of users to help you clean up/update this. :slight_smile:

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