Long support waiting times

They’re effectively trying that sort of thing already by foregrounding the search bar and hiding the chat option at the bottom of the screen, don’t forget. And if it helps people find answers to common problems without having to talk to an agent, that’s all for the good.

I’ve always been a bit worried about the longer wait times than some others, but one thing that has been reassuring is the response once you’re seen to. Some respond instantly with little to no information or promise to get back to you; my experience with Monzo has been a fairly long wait but it’s resolved there and then.


I found the lack of explanation a bit disappointing - “we are experiencing exceptional call volumes” tends to be the default response from companies when they really mean “we underinvest in our customer service, so you have to wait”.

It would be good to have a reason given, like the number of current reps and how many monzo intends to hire. Or naming a specific event such as the BA hack. Basically convincing me that this is genuinely exceptional.

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They have recruited around 30 people for customer support over last 4-6 weeks so should see the impact soon.

@simonb gave a pretty good response to the issues experienced recently.


Having a “status” start-up screen or banner with any customer effecting issues would be a useful addition to the app.


I know response times have been a bit ropey lately, but this is a bit ridiculous. Has something happened?


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Thanks for that. I’m fairly used to seeing several hours response time, but seeing a day was a genuine shock. Good luck with the hiring.

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