@damienm welcome. A quick change from new joiner to #fullmonzo. I wish I had been able to do so by now.
I have this week moved over to salary into Monzo which is a positive step
@damienm welcome. A quick change from new joiner to #fullmonzo. I wish I had been able to do so by now.
I have this week moved over to salary into Monzo which is a positive step
Hola everybody!
My name is Maria, and I am a freelance UX/UI Graphic Designer.
I started using Monzo a year ago, and I am an absolutely Monzo fan since then ! I love its bank’s concept as opposed to more traditional banks used to be, something boring and tedious. However, with Monzo is easy and fun to keep track of your money, and to keep your friends as it’s easy to pay them back anytime, plus the nice look of the shiny coral card (when I go to Spain, everybody loves it).
I am happy to be part of your community and hopefully I can go to one of your events soon!
Wellcome, @Mipama , @FirstRulez & @Damienm !
Hope you enjoy being part of the community. Feel free to join in on any discussion
Thank you buddy
Evening all. New to Monzo and currently using it as a trial would-be second current account with a view to transferring over in total in the near future if all goes well. I have been with a very traditional, quite stuffy bank, a private bank, for about 19 years. Someone put me onto Revolut, and I love it and then I heard about Monzo and opens an account a few days ago. One of the key things for me is to have enough interest paying pots as that’s how I run my expenses and regular savings for them. I have been following the pots discussions with interest - useful unintended pun- but I won’t move unless I know that I am going to get a decent interest rate on savings and have quick and easy access. I also run my own private consultancy business in my own spare time so I need a business account for that, not sure whether Monzo runs business accounts. I could run that on Revolut possibly but would prefer an fscs bank… anyway that’s enough for now…
Hey welcome
Just to quickly answer your question… Monzo sadly don’t have a business account yet and no words on an ETA either. Hope this helps and don’t forget to post your feedback in the intrest discussion topic too - it all helps
Monzo have made noises about being interested in exploring business accounts, but nothing firmer than that as yet, unfortunately.
Starling do a business account, might be worth checking them out, they have FSCS protection.
Hey guys!
My name is Sam, I’ve been using Monzo for about 6 months, and I have finally made the full switch from TSB to Monzo! I’m new to this community - and looking forward to meeting and chatting with a few of you! <3
Hi, were can I find the info I need to make a bank transfer? Sort code account no? what info do I need to make a transfer?
In the app click on the ‘Account’ tab and your account number and sort code is at the top of this page underneath your name.
Thank You
Hi Richard, I am a committed Monzo user and wanted to congratulate you and the team for the vibrant positive and disruptive developments which you have generated into the banking sector. You seem to have identified a rich seam of defining individual customer needs and seeking ways to serve them. Truly a highly socially conscious inventive bank. Without going into detail I have spent most of my time with others disrupting the status quo of 2 industries and busy with another. Well done Monzo
Hey everyone
I work for Mastercard and do lots of lovely marketing. I like colours and numbers scare me lots I’m into cycling, going out for food and coffee. Always coffee.
I’ve joined Monzo to have better control on spending (cycling and London-priced coffee are expensive habits) and to learn from how you’re doing things. Loving it so far!
Have a brill day everyone
You can’t just leave it there…!
(Welcome, by the way, great to have your on board)
Hi Peter.
I can separately direct you to LinkedIn
Hello, I am Saurabh. Recently opened an account with Monzo Bank.
Welcome all!
Hola Soy Maria2 y estoy aprendiendo a usar Monzo. Viajo constanteme en America. Y mi hija vive en Londres
Puedo usar Monzo desde America
Holà Maria ! Normalemente hablamos ingles aqui, pero bienvenidos al Communidad !
(y lo siento - no hablo mucho español!)
Hey Maria! We usually speak English around here, but welcome to the Community!
(and sorry for my rubbish Spanish!)
Hi , I’m Mk , new to the community