I was kicked out from logging in and cannot log in by my email now!

I have returned to China, and I need to transfer my money back to Lloyds account.
However, when I open app I was kicked out and cannot log in again. The APP said I have not signed in by my email. This email I used for almost half of the year. I don’t know why it suddenly cannot use.
I have no choice but to sign this email again and it is still verifying for almost 3 hours from the time I sign in. And i cannot find a way to cantact customer service. How to solve the problem now? The help email didn’t reply also. I also delete the APP and reload it but still useless.

If it postpone my transfer it may need compensation for late transfer!

Can you log in through http://web.monzo.com/ ?

You could always try calling +44 20 3872 0620 (international CS number).

Thank you for your reply, it said cannot find my account. So weird. I checked my mail box and it is the email i used before. Don’t know why it cannot be logged in. I will try this phone thank you so much!

Very strange… You’re only option is to wait for a reply to your email or give the number a try sorry.

If you have any other email addresses you could try them, but like you said you are sure it is the account you have been trying.

Yes…Too strange, I have tried use the email to sign again but still verifying cannot log in. A bit complicated to call into the UK, I will try to figure out T_T

maybe its something to do with China ? not that Im saying that they block outside stuff on t’internet

I tried IOS and android both, neither of them can work. I asked my friend who had come back too and he can log in with no problem…T_T

I’ll close this on the grounds that this customer’s issue has progressed to an account closure question. It’s best that that be handled in private by Monzo.