I can see it from both sides but ultimately you still get your salary the day you’re supposed to anyway.
You’re only technically getting it about 10 hours sooner
DIt’s also technically not ‘your own’ money at that point in time, it’s Monzo’s.
I haven’t seen this feature appear on my monzo yet? Other than the notification that did nothing once followed.
Perhaps the end of this month?
It is being rolled out slowly. Not many people have it yet
Damn, seems like a great feature. I’ll be waiting patiently!
Yeeeeeey it has finally arrived for me
Recieved a notification that my money is waiting for me
3 days early!!! and it’s now in my account ready for the weekend!
I just got it too for a payment due in Monday. I never seem to be part of a testing phase, so wouldn’t be surprised if they’re starting a mass roll out…
This is something that’s been built, should be in the apps in the near future. It’s a big point for accessibility too so we’d always planned to add it in for rolling out further but for testing the elements we wanted to test we de-scoped to what you see in the app
Just tried it on my Joint Account but the cash moves down slightly but not to the wallet it’s due in on Monday also using the latest TestFlight version released today
It is also a payment from the government so may not want o let it go now
Are you on iOS 13?
Yes that too
That’ll be it, it’s a moving target so we’re waiting until the beta settles down to work out how/if they’ve broken animations. The button I mentioned above will help too
Do you have to do it every month? Got it for the first time the other day
It isn’t automatic for on going payments?
It’s not automatic, you get to decide if you want a specific payment early. The idea being it doesn’t just shift your pay-cycle, it allows you to take control of an upcoming payment if you need or want to without us automatically breaking your budgeting cycle.
I am on the iOS 13 beta and also couldn’t drag the money into the wallet.
Woop woop I just got my salary due on Monday. Completely changed my weekend
A good number of smaller US banks do this automatically. Could be good
A number of UK banks do it too - but that’s not the point. Monzo want to give control, not take away.
Plus imagine the confusion/anger if someone gets paid, transfers the money out/into pots/whatever and the next day they wake up overdrawn because for some reason they didn’t get paid and Monzo took it back
When did everyone see this notification? Is it only when you have a payment coming in?
Sounds like more and more people are getting the option to get their money early this month! Will be interesting to see if I have been included in the rollout next Friday…