Direct debit alerts / warnings

Hi guys,

After a bit of discussion with your support team I’m wondering if there are plans to update how alerting works for direct debits? At present my understanding is this:

Direct Debits appear in your feed as “upcoming” the business day before they’re due.
If any single Direct Debit exceeds your balance at the time of checking we notify you. If you reduce your account balance on the business day before the Direct Debit is due you won’t receive a notification.
If a combined sum of upcoming direct debits exceeds your balance, we won’t notify you. We only check balance vs the amounts of each single upcoming Direct Debit.

I think both of the below two points made by the specialists are really important. It would be amazing if the sum of the direct debits against your balance, alerted when your balance went below that of the sum of the direct debits. It would help going into your overdraft or anything bouncing!


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