I think Monzo should get a proper dedicated team to building the chat and tooling.
Jumping to slack channels is for 10 person offices not a big bank.
I can say from personal experience that the broken escalation system is heavily impacting people, and this is people’s money not just someone having issues with their broadband speeds.
But it’s good to see that there is substantial movement in the right direction
I think that getting customer service back on track would be brilliant.
For me, an improvement would just be a timescale estimate. I can handle a wait, but it’s nice to have some sense of how long.
I’m having an issue at the moment, and Barclays and Monzo are involved.
Barclays are unable to help. Why? Because of the Indian call centre staff. To those arguing that it doesn’t make a difference, it absolutely does. We’ve tried multiple numbers and can’t even get to the point where people understand what we’re saying, never mind helping with the problem. Each member of staff, after a 20-minute conversation dealing with a language barrier, says that they’re sorry they don’t understand and gives us a different phone number to try. So we wait on hold for 20+ minutes each time, to be met with yet another Indian call centre staff member that can’t understand what we’re saying. There is a language barrier, even if they’re speaking English. We go from speaking naturally to trying to word our sentences very carefully, and still get nowhere.
I’ve reached out for help from Monzo on the same issue. At first, conversation back-and-forth was slow. But, for all the time I spent waiting for a response, they probably also waited for me because I get no notification of any kind when I receive a reply. So I’d intermittently check my app, and occasionally there would be a message waiting for me. Their responses were slow, but not unmanageable.
I’ve now been escalated by Monzo. “I’m going to escalate this to a specialist.” Which is great, but I’m then told “You can leave the chat for now and we’ll be in touch as soon as we’ve got more information”. The issue here is that I don’t have any sense of how long that might take. 24 hours? 3 days? A week? A month? How do I know how long to wait for, before assuming that my query’s been forgotten or gone missing? It would be nice to have some sense of that. So far, it’s been almost 24 hours since my query was escalated.
That line is where problems start. It’s almost a line saying go away now. As they ignore you after that.
My problem has now entered day 4. 2 days they have been saying we don’t know why money has come out your account again for amazon. After the first reason made no sense. And the second reason of amazon at times split payments (contradicting the first) made no account of the full amount was taken 4 days before these payments. So after saying no idea why money has come out for 2 days. They gave a copy and paste answer just now of reason 2 and chose to ignore the full payment again. Money coming out of your account for no reason to me is a big issue. Yet it’s being treated as a minor thing.
It also scares me when a bank says we can’t explain why it’s happened too.
I just can’t believe that Slack is their method of escalation. That is absolutely bonkers to me when you can literally go out and purchase something like JIRA, configure the boards correctly and even integrate it with Slack. Anything is better than just Slack in that respect.
Just an update. I’ve just had a message in my conversation (which started on Tuesday) to move forward another line. I’ve had a message from Antoinette who claims to work in some form of escalation team but I’m astonished, disheartened and very worried about what this means for the future. It’s clear with growth in the US that service isn’t going to improve (assuming one team services both). That and the fact I’m a plus v2.0 customer means that I guess I can get fucked before i get my query resolved.
That sums up my feelings at the moment. I’m on holiday. Amazon it seems has taken money out. And they don’t give a damn. And have given excuses or tried to pawn the same off twice. Or give the generic team member will get back to you. I’ve logged it now as a complaint. And will send it to an ombudsman. More with the intent to find out what’s going on at monzo as something really isn’t right. My initial view is they have taken on more than they can handle. And not dealing with issues unless it’s a quick fix. When we are talking 84 hours and have said they can’t explain or have a clue why moneys come out my account is negligence on their behalf imo. By time the teams are back Monday we are talking 144 hours and still nothing back. I’m emptying my account to somewhere safer tbh
Well they might be interested, but if I am right will be a bit snookered until Amazon find out why they duplicated the request.
I used to work at a startup that sold through Amazon FBA and SC and you’d be amazed at the amount of times we got calls or messages to say there had been duplicated payments.
If Amazon have duplicated then they will reverse. Which means the money will arrive ala a refund 5 working days or so.
I guess part of what has made this a shock for me is how rarely I need to contact CS, I left Monzo about a year ago as I felt I’d jumped in too early but the service chat was one thing that helped me convince myself to return. I do hope this gets sorted as Monzo has the potential to greatly help the unbanked and I democrarising money (to a degree).