Is there a problem with the live chat? I’m currently waiting for a reply for a message that is over 16hrs now and still ‘has not been seen’.
Hi @RossA very unusual that you’ve not had a response yet! I’ve gone ahead and flagged this to a member of the team at monzo so fingers crossed you hear from them soon!
Agree - I’ve normally had a response within an hour. Thanks for flagging it for me @glasgow
Hey Andrew,
I’ve checked and we’ve definitely received the message. I’m sure someone will pick it up shortly.
Let me know if not!
Thanks - currently on 18hrs!
That’s very long, I find they leave it on unseen even when they’ve seen it if they can’t answer you then, but 20 hours now is unacceptable try calling the phone number on the card and speak to someone.
Hi @cookywook - now 21 hours and still says that it hasn’t been read! Thanks @kolok - will ring but just wondering what’s actually gone wrong here!
Did you try calling?
I’m gonna flag the post again and maybe someone will actually get back to you.
Also can someone who knows who to tag, tag them.
I’ve chased it up again! Someone should get back to you soon.
Sorry it took so long to get back to you.
Thanks - someone got back to me. It was an issue because the person I responded to was working? Think it needs sorting for future!
Hi RossA, did you respond in a previous support thread or create a new chat? That maybe why it took so long to get back to you?
Responded to a chat that I’d already had as it was related to previous discussion re transferring funds.
Im the same dude I sent a message last night still nothing
I sent the first message at 9pm last night man
Maybe it would be useful to have a counter with the number of staff who are working at that time - it might alleviate concern or at least manage expectations when you first send a message. Or even something like “Currently XX members of staff are dealing with XX customers”
I really love seeing companies with real-time servicing stats made public however I don’t see anything on the intercom API that allows this. Could be wrong though! I know there’s plans to move off intercom so maybe that can be baked in to the replacement!
I know nothing of those back end things - I only dream
There does appear to be a few pinch points judging by comments on the forum but they are recruiting more COps at the moment