So, here I am nearly 12 hours after contacting Monzo about not being able to access my bank account, on the day bills are due to go out; etc; and I still can’t access my account. I phoned this morning and got an automated email asking to send ID. Okay, I thought, so I did just that and sent it off to the help email.
A few hours pass and nothing. I tweet Monzo who tell me to DM them. I do, and they tell me they’ve chased with customer services to get this resolved as a priority. “Emails can take 2 days to process” they say. This is not good customer service. I use Monzo as my daily driver, and they say you test a bank when it matters and so far… this is not a good test.
Why can i not get in you ask? Well my email address had changed and, admittedly I forgot to update Monzo with this new email. So it’s not entirely their fault here… but and this is a big BUT… it should not take now in excess of a working day to get access to your bank account if you’re locked out. Given it is quite literally an email address causing grief. I can not get access to the old email any more or this would be easy to fix.
I have to say, Monzo’s in app wait times have been increasing over the last few times I’ve needed them and now this. I’ve been on hold for 12 minutes as I write this, with the phone system saying if no one answers in 20 minutes they’ll end the call to stop me waiting? - What’s that about? Seems like a cop out that!
I can’t say I’m overly impressed. I’m putting this here so it’s out in the public domain for others considering Monzo. I’ve been using Monzo as my primary current account and savings account since it became a true bank; and the more I think about it the more I might move back to Lloyds. At least they answered the phone, deal with fraud very-well and get you back in to the app when it fails - with a dedicated app team.
@lpoolrob Well, the fact I didn’t change the email is my fault - granted. However, their inability to support when you need them, is. Makes you wonder what they’d be like in times where fraud occurs.
@Ordog - I had a .eu email address for years before the Brexit debacle. A side effect of Brexit was .eu email addresses no longer working for UK citizens. I now have a domain name I use for my emails, Monzo was just one of the places I’d obviously forgotten to inform.
I’ve just been on hold for 20 minutes and got hung up on by their phone system. Attempt two now.
I’ve also called Lloyds for a separate financial matter today and got a personal hello on them answering and straight into my account from the details i’d entered into their phone system. Call took less than 5 minutes from start to finish.
Yeah, it’s on my mind for sure. That’s two attempts at calling them now with the Monzo phone line hanging up on me after 20 minutes. Feels like their phone number is just to give the impression they answer phone calls.
I raised an issue around 8am ish and got a response a few hours later. They’ll get to you eventually, did you try ringing at all seen as though it’s so important.